Manuscript Submission

Notes for authors

The Baltic Journal of Psychology is published by the University of Latvia, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art. The journal publishes original papers on current issues in psychology, including empirical, theoretical, and practical articles on broad aspects of psychology.  The journal welcomes manuscripts with quantitative, qualitative or mixed-methods approaches. The journal welcomes submissions from not only research in psychology, but also cross-disciplinary research or research from other disciplines related to the field of psychology.  

Information for authors on submitting manuscripts:

Contributions must be written in English, and should follow the style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2010).

Manuscripts should not exceed 8500 words, and should be submitted double-spaced, using typeface 12-pt Times New Roman or Arial, with pages numbered consecutively.  Margins of at least 2,5 cm should appear on all sides of every page.  Lines should be left-justified.  The manuscripts should be submitted as an e-mail file attachment to

The title page should include the names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of all manuscript authors.   The corresponding author should be noted as such. The title page should also include a running head not exceeding 40 letters and spaces.

Upon sending the manuscript to reviewers, the names, affiliations and contact information of the authors will be removed for purposes of “double-blind” review.

An abstract of not more than 250 words should follow on the next page after the title page. A list of 3 – 9 key words should be provided directly below the abstract. The abstract should include the aim of the research, methods used, principal results, and the major conclusions.

The introduction should establish the topic of the research and provide an up-to-date overview of relevant theory and research on the topic, and conclude with the research questions and/or hypotheses to be addressed.  The introduction should begin with a clear statement of the problem under study, and the following text should establish continuity between the extant literature and the present investigation.  

The methods section should provide information about the sample, design and measures.  Procedures for sample recruitment and selection should be described.  Major demographic characteristics of participants should be reported.  For qualitative empirical studies internal reliability should be reported for each method used, for each variable analysed.  

The results section must provide clear descriptions of the results and the means by which these results were obtained.

Tables and figures should be presented at the end of the text.  They should be numbered and referred to by number in the text. Each table or figure should be typed on a separate page and have a descriptive title.

The discussion section should include a summary of the main research findings, and their interpretation.  This section must include clear statements in answer to the research questions and, if relevant, whether the original hypotheses were supported or not.  The discussion should also include a statement on the practical implications of the study, limitations and alternative explanations.  

Acknowledgments should appear at the end of the article prior to any notes or References.