Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope
The Baltic Journal of Psychology provides a forum for psychologists, researchers and practitioners from all parts of the world for publication of original, high-quality theoretical and empirical scientific papers with an emphasis on theory and research which has practical implications. We hope to foster and encourage dialogue between psychology researchers and society at large, but also to encourage cross-disciplinary dialogue – therefore, we welcome theoretical or empirically-based articles which approach and analyze issues of societal import, but may incorporate a cross-disciplinary research team or theoretical principles branching psychology together with various related fields of scientific inquiry.  We support and welcome high quality research based upon quantitative, qualitative or mixed-method approaches.
Peer Review Policy
The Baltic Journal of Psychology maintains a double-blind peer review policy in which the identity of both the reviewer and the author and kept anonymous. After an initial screening process, most articles are sent to two independent reviewers from the international editorial board or as specially invited reviewers for the specific topic of concern. Authors with manuscripts which receive a full review should receive comments from the reviewers within 10 weeks of the submission date.