SpaceTEM is a new EstLat project which aims to initiate the development of NewSpace (private space technology sector) industry in Estonia and Latvia through a series of mutual activities. These activities include:
- Training the next generation of engineers with hands-on methods in the fields of NewSpace, through traineeships space technology development sector and space technology field summer schools;
- Training the next generation of entrepreneurs in the fields of NewSpace through a series of startup events, workshops, hackathons, training, and camps;
- Helping to create a better national environment for developing NewSpace industry through analysis of Estonian and Latvian space policy with the aim to harmonize policies;
- Raising awareness of the NewSpace industry through space technology related workshops for journalists.
In 2015, the global space sector was worth 300 billion euros and rapidly increasing through private investments in emerging NewSpace start-ups. One of the world’s leading audit and law firms, PwC, estimated that in 2017, the growth in space technology industry (NewSpace) will grow at least 30%. The previous two years also saw large private investments to develop novel technologies and applications for space utilization.
SpaceTEM is brought to life by Tartu Observatory as lead, University of Tartu, Estonian Student Satellite Foundation and sTARTUp Hub from Estonia and the University of Latvia, Ventspils University College, Heliocentric Technologies Latvia and Green and Smart Technology Cluster from Latvia.
SpaceTEM takes upon itself the task of unifying Estonian and Latvian students, entrepreneurs, universities and even policy makers in the field of space technology and NewSpace. Participants from both countries will work together to fill gaps in knowledge, share ideas and collaborate on the new initiative.
SpaceTEM is a project of EstLat program in a total sum of 583,350.00 EUR, of which 495,847.50 EUR is funded by European Regional Development Fund.
For the full information on SpaceTEM / Interreg go to the WWW pages:
Information about EstLat program can be found from EstLat webpage: www.estlat.eu
Program description in latvian: at greentechlatvia.eu/lv/spacetem/
Highlights of the first internship June-August 2017 at LU
Latvijas Universitate/Astronomical Institute received 4 interns: L. Dalbiņa, V. Lemaine, A. Kasikov, R. Trelis
A. Kasikov and R. Trellis worked at the Astronomical Observatory, Baldone. L. Dalbina and V. Lemaine worked at the Geodinamical Observatory/Satellite Laser Ranging station in Riga.
We had a ratio of 1/3 Male/Female interns, proving that projects as SpaceTEM not only can attract young creative people, but also it can helps to increase the much needed female participation on the STEM field.
All interns finished their projects and presented their results at the closing workshop at Venspils University College (VUC) August 28-29 2017.
Left: L. Dalbiņa and V. Lemaine presentation at VUC, right: A. Kasikov and R. Trelils presentation at VUC
More SpaceTEM 2017 photos here
The EPSC 2017 Most Outstanding Student Poster award
At the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2017 done in Riga September 17-22, 2017, our Baldone interns Anni Kasikov and Rudolfs Trellis working under the supervision of Dr. Ilmars Eglitis, participated on the Early Career poster session and got the Most Outstanding Student Poster award on their results explaining how they discovered new carbon stars using digitized data and doing actual observations at the Telescope.
More information with photos here.
Disclaimer: This website reflects the views of the authors. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.