The mission of this sub-program designed for future educators is to provide the students opportunities for learning towards successful holding of the target competences and appropriate personal qualities. The master’s of education program implements the above formulated idea and the conception of the program by the following:
  • critical and productive thinking of the educators and learners is recognized as the intellectual basis of reaching the educational target, it is being developed by inquiry learning and problem solving;
  • rich learning environment and option for learning everywhere and at any time is based on the constructivists’ views which integrate appropriate theories, functions as learning theory-in-use and conducts the students’ successful learning towards personalization of the study process and the appropriate educator’s competences and innovative abilities;
  • conscious maintenance of the teaching-learning by educators and students towards making the process an integrated whole, sustainable and innovative, re-directing  the tertiary process from instructive teaching to self-regulated learning;
  • continuously learning teams of the educators and students are working towards obtaining the qualities of professional thinking appropriate for implementing the learning pedagogical paradigm and ability of identifying and solving new topical problems, as well as ability of organizing an inquiry-based tertiary process;
  • the students’ choice of content, means and pace in accordance with their perspectives and needs in compliance with the idea and target of this programme;
  • self- and peer assessment is validated as prior to the educators’ assessment that makes students and educators equally responsible for the learners’ achievements, as well as promotes the learners’ further self-regulated learning.
The languages of implementation:   English and Latvian Format: full-time inquiry classes and blended learning (Moodle) Scope and structure: 80 credit points (120 ECTS); 20 months (4 semesters)   Compulsory: (part A) includes: master’s paper – 20 credit points (30 ECTS) and theoretical studies 17 credit points (25,5 ECTS);  Limited option: (part B) includes theoretical and practical studies of tertiary and adult education - 43 credit points (64.5 ECTS).   The diploma is supplemented by annex, which comprises the list of the acquired courses and the student’s success in the sub-program Tertiary and Adult Education. The master’s degree gives access to doctoral programs. The underpinning documents 
  1. The Law of Tertiary Education. LR Augstskolu likums, 55. (1.) pants, 55.1 (1.,2.7.) pants. LR Saeima, 02.11.1995. (actual reduction 26.02.2013.)
  2.  The Law of Education. LR Izglītības likums. LR Saeima, 29.10.1998. (Updated 15.11.2012.)
  3.  Cabinet of Ministers, No. 668: Regulations on tertiary, college and study branch Accreditation. LR MK noteikumi Nr.668 "Augstskolu, koledžu un studiju virzienu akreditācijas noteikumi" 25.09.2012.
  4.  Cabinet of Ministers, Nr 650 on licencing of study programs. LR MK noteikumi Nr. Nr.650 „Augstākās izglītības programmu licencēšanas kārtība” 30.08.2005.  (Updated 01.07.2009.) (MK noteikumu projekts "Studiju programmu licencēšanas noteikumi").
  5. Senate of the University of Latvia. Nr. 49 on the terms of study program licensing.  LU Senāta lēmums Nr.49 „Par LU studiju programmu apstiprināšanas kārtības jaunu redakciju”. 27.12.2004.
  6. Senate of the University of Latvia, Nr. 162 on the final examinations. LU Senāta lēmums Nr.162 „Par Nolikumu par noslēguma pārbaudījumiem LU”. 28.04.2003.
  7. Senate of the University of Latvia, Nr. 255 on the quality evaluation of the programmes and plan of the implementation of these regulations. LU Senāta lēmums Nr. 255. 15.11.2012. Par Latvijas Universitātes studiju programmu kvalitātes izvērtējumu un LU darba plānu tā īstenošanai (01.03.2013).
  8. Regulations of the vise-rector of the University of Latvia Nr.3. on the designe of the programmes prepared for licensing and accreditation. LU mācību prorektora norādījumi Nr.3 „LU studiju programmu noformēšanas noteikumi licencēšanai un akreditācijai”. 01.06.2005.
  9. Communique of the European Ministers of Education European Space of Tertiary Education. Bolognia, 19.06.1999. Eiropas izglītības Ministru kopējā deklarācija “Eiropas augstākās izglītības telpa” Boloņa, 19.06.1999.
  10. European convention on recognition of the diplomas of tertiary education and professional qualification. Likums „Par Eiropas reģiona konvenciju par to kvalifikāciju atzīšanu, kas saistītas ar augstāko izglītību”. 13.05.1999.
  11. Communique of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education Area. Achieving the Goal. Bergen, May, 19th - 20th 2005, II, paragraph 8).
   Outcomes of the Projects used to update the program:  
  •  CAPIVAL project materials (2012): competences, criteria and recommendations for evaluation of the adults’ competences; VALIDPACK. (professors I.Maslo and L.Rutka participated in the project).
  • Buiskool, B., J. (2010). Key Competences for Adult Learning Professionals. Contribution to the development of a reference framework of key competences for adult learning professionals. Final report. European Commission, January 15, 2010. <>
  •  European framework for life-long learning. Luksemburg, 2010. ISBN 978-92-79-08483-6. Eiropas kvalifikāciju ietvarstruktūra mūžizglītībai.