Romance studies (sub-programme of academic program Linguistics, Literature and Regional Culture Studies)

Degree to be achieved: Master of Humanities in Romance Studies
Duration of studies: Full time | 2 years
Type of studies: Full-time
Amount of credits: 120 ECTS
European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level: Level 7
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level: Level 7
Language of instruction: English and French or Italian or Spanish
Accreditation: The programme is accredited till 07.12.2029. 

Tuition fee 
EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and their family members; Long Term Resident EU - 2600 EUR per Year
Other сountry citizens - 3900 EUR per Year

"Romance studies" is the unique graduate program in Latvia providing academic education at the Master's level in the Romance languages. Specialized courses of the program are offered in French, Spanish or Italian, and focus on linguistic and cultural studies, language teaching, translation, and international relations. Program’s students can choose one of Romance languages for their specialization or combine two languages, for example French and Spanish. The program is based on multi-lingual and multi-disciplinary approach. We provide knowledge about communication models and strategies, about the multifaceted interaction of cultures and languages about the regional specificity and diversity of literature and art. 

Our program employs the best experts of Latvia in the fields of the Romance Languages, Romance Culture and History, Language Teaching and Translation, as well as visiting professors from French, Spanish and Italian universities.

The Program provides students with exchange opportunities in French, Belgian, Canadian, Italian and Spanish universities.

The Program engages English and Latvian language professionals in teaching translation and cultural studies. This helps to provide the students with a greater degree of specialization and competitiveness in the local and foreign labor markets, as well as necessary skills to carry out research in general and applied linguistics, literature, cultural studies and translation.

Study period and classes time
The full – time degree programme covers two academic years. Classes are 3 to 4 times a week in the evenings of working days from 4.30pm.

Structure of the programme

The Program requires two years of full-time studies and consists of 80 CP (120 ECTS):
1.Mandatory courses (Part A) - 44 CP: 
 - Basic module (24 credits): lectures (ENG) seminars (FR/SP/ITA);
-  Master's thesis (20 credits): FR/SP/ITA. 
2.  Electives (Part B: specialized courses) - 36 CP FR/SP/ITA.

Career opportunities

During the course of studies, students acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities indispensable for further academic education in Latvia or abroad, thus gaining a solid basis for professional career in business, government, international institutions
and NGOs, language instruction courses, translation agencies, etc.

Apart from education, the graduates of the Program work in a multitude of professional fields: French /Spanish/ Italian language, literary and cultural research, interpretation and translation, the Romance language policy and terminology, as well as consultancy in geography, history, art, culture, politics and economics of Romance-speaking countries. Master's degree in Romance Studies opens the way to doctoral studies.

More information about study programme and Study plan

ERASMUS+ exchange possibilities

UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship.  

More information:

ERASMUS + study mobility 
ERASMUS + traineeship moblity   

Admission requirements

Previous education:

  1. Version 1 of previous education: first-cycle higher education* or equivalent higher education in linguistics, literature or cultural studies; persons who have obtained such education are admitted without an entrance examination
    Version 2 of previous education: first-cycle higher education* or equivalent higher education in other humanities or teacher education (language, literature and/or culture teacher education); Pass of entrance examination by submitting a written 1 page motivation letter
    Version 3 of previous education: first-cycle higher education* or equivalent higher education in another field and one year of professional/creative experience in a field related to the humanities; Pass of entrance examination by submitting a written 1 page motivation letter
  2. The average grade in study courses must be 60% of the maximum.
  3. All grades must be passing (at least 4 in a 10 point grading system).
  4. English language proficiency.
  5. French, Italian or Spanish language proficiency

*Bachelor’s degree or a diploma proving equivalent level of education

As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview.

Autumn Intake (application start: 2 Jan 2025; studies start in Sept 2025) 



Contact person for more information

Director of the Programme                
Prof. Jeļena Vladimirska

Coordinator of the Programme          
Sandra Tanne
Phone: +371 67034914
4A Visvalža Street, Riga, LV-1050

The programme has been developed within the framework of the project "Design of Internationally Competitive Study Programmes Promoting the Development of the National Economy of Latvia at the University of Latvia" (project No. / 18 / A / 015).