Research and protection of Cultural and Environmental Heritage
Degree to be achieved: Bachelor of Natural Sciences in Environmental Science
Duration of studies: full-time 8 semesters (4 years)
Amount of credits: 240 ECTS
European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level: Level 6
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level: Level 6
Language of instruction: English
Accreditation: the program is accredited until 14.11.2030
Tuition fee
EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and their family members; Long Term Resident EU - 2400 EUR per Year
Other сountry citizens - 4700 EUR per Year
NOTE! The tuition fees may change in 2025, please follow information regularly.
The "Research and protection of Cultural and Environmental Heritage" is a unique study program in Latvia providing academic education at the Bachelor's level in the Natural Sciences. The uniqueness of this this study programme is in its pronounced interdisciplinarity – it has been developed in close cooperation with the Art Academy of Latvia. Apart from the lecturers from the Academy and the Faculty of Geography and Earth sciences, the courses are taught also by the teaching stuff from the Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, and Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Latvia.
The best professionals of the field of cultural and environmental heritage are also involved in the tuition of the programme. The study content focuses on 4 main thematic modules: Environmental sciences, Environmental sciences and cultural heritage, Theory and methods of cultural heritage and Humanities and arts. Practical works and involvement of high level specialists and organizations from the field of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, such as UNESCO, ICOMOS, etc. in the study process makes this programme even more valuable for the students.
This study programme is aiming to prepare academically educated specialists with appropriate knowledge, skills and competence required to successfully work in the field of assessment, preservation, protection and sustainable management of cultural and environmental heritage monuments and sites.
Career opportunities
The labour market of graduates of the study programme is made up of companies related to culture, cultural and environmental heritage field, real estate management enterprises, including the direction of property development, sectors of tourism and hospitality, environmental and cultural protection, and scientific research of cultural heritage. The main area of competencies that determines the competitiveness of graduates of the study programme in the labour market is the knowledge, skills and competencies required to manage and protect tangible cultural and environmental heritage, ensuring its sustainable and economically justified maintenance. Although the study programme is expected to be academic, the theoretical knowledge and practical skills it provides allows students to be better prepared for the demands of the labour market in the cultural and environmental management and research field. In implementing the study programme, lecturers who are also the practitioners are involved, providing a connection between education, practice and science, developing the knowledge base and competencies. Since the study programme is implemented in cooperation with the Art Academy of Latvia, part of the study courses is organized with the simultaneous participation of lecturers from both universities. Such cooperation opens vast opportunities for developing joint scientific research and applied projects – both as students’ scientific works and as further cooperation projects whose direct goal is an application in practice.
More information about study programme and Study plan
ERASMUS+ exchange possibilities
UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship.
More information:
ERASMUS + study mobility
ERASMUS + traineeship moblity
Admission requirements
- General secondary high school diploma;
- English language proficiency.
- The average grade of the secondary education document in all subjects must be at least 6 (in a 10 point grading system).
- All grades must be passing (at least 4 in a 10 point grading system).
As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview.
Autumn Intake (application start: 2 Jan 2024; studies start in Sept 2024)
Director of the Programme
Assist. Prof. Agnese Kukela
The programme has been developed within the framework of the project "Design of Internationally Competitive Study Programmes Promoting the Development of the National Economy of Latvia at the University of Latvia" (project No. / 18 / A / 015).