IEE NAP-2024 conference in Riga
IEE NAP-2024 conference in Riga

To bring together scientists, engineers, educators and discuss new aspects of biophotonics, the 14th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” (IEE NAP-2024) will be held from 8 to 13 September at the Radisson Blu Latvia Hotel in Riga. The conference is organized through a partnership between the IEEE Nanotechnology Council and the University of Latvia.

The conference originated in Ukraine 14 years ago, and to this day it remains the largest event dedicated to nanomaterials in Eastern Europe. 

The prime focus of the IEEE NAP-2024 is nanoscale materials with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research, exploring and exploiting their unique physical and chemical proprieties for practical applications.

The conference will be opened by Dr. Maksym Pogorielov (General Chair & Local Organizing Committee Chair, University of Latvia), Prof. Modris Greitāns (Chair of Honour, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science), Valentyn Novosad (General Chair, Argonne National Laboratory, USA), Guntars Kitenbergs (Vice-Rector for Research, University of Latvia), and Kremena Makacheva (Vice-President for Conferences, IEEE Nanotechnology Council). 

On the first day of the conference, leading researchers from various fields of nanoscience will deliver plenary talks to participants and guests. The organisers are proud to host the following distinguished plenary speakers: 

  • Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA 
  • Prof. Vladimir Tsukruk, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA 
  • Prof. Stuart S.P. Parkin, Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany 
  • Prof. Xiaoning Jiang, North Carolina State University, USA 
  • Prof. Stefan Andersson-Engels, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland 

Although nanoscience and nanotechnology are yet in their infancy, this rapidly evolving field of research is quickly transforming almost all aspects of our everyday life. From the low power electronics and supercomputers to advanced and personalized medicine, from new industrial applications and renewable energy to advanced transportation and clean air technologies, nanoscience is the foundation of many transformational discoveries in the decades to come. 

The goal of event is to bring together a broad international community of scientists, engineers, and educators who are already involved in defining a future where the understanding and controlling matter at the nanoscale will ultimately lead to revolutionary technological and industrial advances.  

The conference attendees are leading international experts from industry and academia – chemists, physicists, materials scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. The NAP conferences traditionally attract many local and international doctoral students and early-career professionals.  

During 5 days, the conference assembles around 300 experts from more than 40 countries. They will introduce their latest research results in 4 parallel sessions.

The conference will be augmented by the international scientific symposium: “Biophotonics Riga 2024”. In the symposium, following the traditions of the previous three “Biophotonics Riga” events, novel aspects of biophotonics will be discussed, focusing on the following topics:

(i) Biomedical tissue imaging

(ii) Optical clinical diagnostics & monitoring

(iii) Skin optics & spectroscopy

More about the conference – on the website of the international conference.

The conference is organized by a partnership of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council and the University of Latvia, and technical support from the Latvian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Electronics and Computer Sciences and Sumy State University, with endorsements and support from the IEEE Magnetics Society. 

This year, the conference supported by several leading EU and International companies and organizations, including  Angstrom Engineering (Canada), BioUkraine (the U.S.–Ukraine Foundation’s initiative), Respilon (Czech Republic) and Linari Nanotech (Italy). Our sponsors make possible to support young researchers from many countries, with focus on participants from Ukraine. The supported award – “Rising Star in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology”: The Best Presentation Awards, #IEEENAP: Best Paper Award and “Nanoscience as Art” Competition.

The conference will host special sessions supported by several Horizon Europe (MAX-MAP, ESCULAPE, ARGO) and international (IMPRESS-U) projects that bring together leading researchers from nanoscience, engineering, physics and medicine. Special guest of conference – Latvian State Programme “Smart Materials, Photonics, Technologies, and Engineering Ecosystem” (MOTE) that will be represented by several leading research organizations from Latvia.
