The joint conference encompasses two interdisciplinary conferences dedicated to the study of Finnic languages and cultures, as well as their interactions with neighbouring languages and cultures. “Livonica” is a conference dedicated to research related to Livonians, their language, culture, and history. It first took place in Riga and Tartu in 2011, and the second conference was held in Riga in 2019. “Minor Finnic Languages” is a conference dedicated to research in all Finnic languages except for Finnish and Estonian. It was first held in Uppsala University in 2022.
The joint conference brings historians, archaeologists, geneticists, anthropologists, folklorists, linguists, and other researchers together to explore the Central Baltic area, Livonians and minor Finnic languages. The special focus in this conference is towards contacts. The purpose of the conference is to give researchers working on any of these subjects the opportunity to present their current research, get acquainted with the new research in related fields as well as participate in formal and informal discussions, and most importantly find new opportunities for collaboration.
Internationally recognized scientists from relevant fields will speak at the conference plenary sessions: Professor of Archaeogenomics Kristiina Tambets from the University of Tartu, Professor of Finno-Ugric languages Rogier Blokland from Uppsala University, and Professor of Baltic languages Jurgis Pakerys from the University of Vilnius.
The Scientific Committee of the conference consists of Prof. Karl Pajusalu (University of Tartu), Dr. phil. Valts Ernštreits (University of Latvia), Prof. Petar Kehayov (University of Tartu), Assoc. Prof. Riitta-Liisa Valijärvi (Uppsala University, University College London), Prof. Ina Druviete (University of Latvia), Prof. Mark Fishel (University of Tartu) and Mg. hist. Eduards Plankājs (University of Latvia).
The conference languages will be Livonian and English.
The event will take place in Riga at the UL Livonian Institute in Riga, Kronvalda bulvāris 4–220.