Professor Gundars Bērziņš

On 27 March, the new rector of the University of Latvia (UL) – Professor Gundars Bērziņš, who has been elected by the LU Constitutional Assembly on 1 March this year, assumes his duties, and his term of office is four years.

“The University of Latvia has a unique standing in the development of the Latvian state and society. The University of Latvia is a visionary and intelligent teacher, a translator of complex processes and a creator of meaningful solutions, a custodian of Latvian values, Latvian language and traditions,” emphasizes Professor Gundars Bērziņš. “UL should be the most modern classical research university in the Baltics and hold the place amongst the top 500 universities in the world – a centre of study and research excellence and the country’s strategic partner in economic transformation,” believes the new rector of UL.

In his vision of the UL development, G. Bērziņš states: “The goals and main priorities of UL are closely related to the current situation in the field of higher education in Latvia and in the international education space, which is dominated by ever-increasing competition, as well as the transformation of the content and form of education. Therefore, the ability of UL to offer competitive study programmes and research in the national and international higher education market is crucial. At the same time, it is necessary to develop effective and professional management of the University of Latvia, as well as to reinforce the importance of higher education and science in society.”

G. Bērziņš named the creation of a strong team, preparation for the internal consolidation of the UL and its practical management as the first key tasks in the new position. in aspiration to inclusion of UL in the list of 500 leading universities of the world, he highlights three important development directions – to increase the number and quality of scientific publications, to strengthen scientific cooperation with manufacturing industries, and to promote the international recognition of UL.

Gundars Bērziņš is a professor and holds a doctorate in management science (Dr. sc. admin.). The new rector of UL is a leading researcher and a corresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Bērziņš started working at UL in 2000 as a lecturer at the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics (FBME), becoming the executive director of the faculty in 2003. Subsequently, from 2008 to 2010, he was the director of the UL Department of Finance and Accounting. In 2010, he became the chancellor of the University of Latvia, in 2014 he commenced a consecutive path to the academic position of professor, which he obtained in 2018. Bērziņš has served as the dean of UL FBME since 2016 and retains this position until his election as a rector. From 2019 to 2021, he was also the chairman of the council of AS “Olainfarm”. Since 2023, Gundars Bērziņš has been a freelance adviser to the President on Latvia on competitiveness and economic issues, and an expert at the Republic of Latvia Parliament.

The UL community welcomes the new rector and wishes him success!

Scientiae et patriae!


Gundars Bērziņš elected as the new rector of the University of Latvia

Gundars Bērziņš elected as the new rector of the University of Latvia

Elections of UL rector to be held on March 1

Elections of UL rector to be held on March 1

Signe Bāliņa and Gundars Bērziņš will compete for the University of Latvia rector’s post

Signe Bāliņa and Gundars Bērziņš will compete for the University of Latvia rector’s post