Ph.D. Una Riekstiņa has been elected for the position in the field of basic medical sciences, including pharmacy. Professor U. Riekstiņa is a recognized scientist in Latvia and abroad. She is the director of both bachelor’s and master’s study programmes in pharmacy at the UL Faculty of Medicine and lectures future pharmacists on biological medications, drug metabolism, medical microbiology and immunology, as well as current research methods in pharmacy.
“Today, precision medicine offers unprecedented opportunities in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, which are based on knowledge about the properties and capabilities of the cell, the basic unit of the human body. State-of-the-art research laboratories make it possible to simulate processes in the body using organ-on-a-chip technology and cell reprogramming. Research in basic medical sciences is the first step in the selection of drug candidates and the study of working principles, which leads to new knowledge about the human body and individualized medication for hitherto incurable diseases,” U. Riekstiņa emphasizes the potential and significance of the planned research work.
Ph.D. Andris Ambainis has been elected for a post in the field of computer science and informatics. Professor A. Ambainis is a renowned scientist in Latvia and abroad, author of international publications, head of the research group of the Centre for Quantum Computing Science, one of the founders of the Latvian Quantum Initiative.
“Latvia excels in the field of quantum algorithms, and the UL Centre for Quantum Computing Science is one of about five centres in Europe, where high-level research is conducted in the field of quantum algorithms. We are also part of the European Quantum Software Institute and a partner to Poland in the European High-Power Computing Centres project. Notably, that pilot projects are becoming relevant in my field, where scientists conduct research on the uses of quantum computers for the needs of companies, and Latvia has the necessary scientific competence to carry out such projects, hence, there are many opportunities for research,” concludes A. Ambainis.
Ph.D. Vyacheslavs Kascheyevs has been elected for a position in the field of physics and astronomy. Professor V. Kascheyevs is a renowned scientist with the experience in Latvia and abroad, quantum physicist, head of the Nanoelectronics Theory Group and one of the founders of the Latvian Quantum Initiative.
“Quantum technologies are currently both a paramount direction of European and global research, many countries are trying to achieve a breakthrough in this field, and it represents a very exciting sphere for studies. Quantum physics and mathematics are amazing and scientists are seeking and finding new applications thereof, – this will be an area holding more and more new discoveries for many years to come. I am satisfied that UL is a top league player in the wide spectrum of quantum sciences and is able to offer a study experience rooted in international excellence and opportunities for innovation,” points out V. Kascheyevs.
Dr. sc. soc. Inta Mieriņa has been elected as a tenured professor in social sciences. I. Mieriņa is an associate professor at the UL Faculty of Social Sciences, a leading researcher at the UL Institute of Philosophy and Sociology and director of the Centre for Diaspora and Migration Research. I. Mieriņa specializes in political sociology and has extensively researched migration and integration, social capital and public good, political attitudes and action, as well as youth and education issues.
“Many of today’s challenges, such as internal and external security risks, ecological risks, or the rise of populism and right-wing radicalism cannot be solved solely with the help of technology – they are rooted in society’s values, understanding and attitudes. In these conditions, social sciences are of a particular relevance, – both critically evaluating and explaining social processes and offering solutions to current problems,” explains I. Mieriņa.
Dr. phil. Raivis Bičevskis has been elected for the position in the social philosophy, – the field of philosophy, ethics and religion. Professor R. Bičevskis is a recognized philosopher both in Latvia and abroad, the member of CEESP and Scientific Council of the Martin Heidegger Society. He has studied philosophy at UL, Universities of Mainz and Münster, he has also been a project manager at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, visiting professor at the universities of Potsdam, Bordeaux, Athens, Innsbruck, heads the UL Faculty of History and Philosophy Department of Philosophy and Ethics.
“Modern society is an “unfinished project” (J. Habermas): its internal tensions and problems are solved by activating the critical and self-reflexive potential of the society itself – in the form of sciences and philosophy; thus, fundamental research in sciences and philosophy is not only a process of cognition, but also the achievement of society’s self-comprehension, as well as examination and transformation of understanding of its internal processes and relations with the world. The many and various challenges of modern society and their complex multi-level comprehension, research and analysis methods today require interdisciplinary cooperation of various sciences and, at the same time, a perspective based on the fundamental key texts of European philosophy and their current interpretation,” emphasizes R. Bičevskis.
Dr. philol. Andra Kalnača has been elected for a post in Latvian synchronic linguistics, the field of linguistics and literary studies. A. Kalnača is a professor at the UL Faculty of Humanities, Department of Latvian and Baltic Studies.
“Language, especially native language, is so obvious and natural to a person that one does not particularly reflect upon it on the daily basis – it is just like the air we breathe. At the same time, language represents one of the crucial cornerstones of the existence of every nation and state – including for Latvians and Latvia. Therefore, it is a true honour and a pleasure that one of the first tenured professorship positions at the University of Latvia is in Latvian synchronic linguistics, which will enable us to emphasize the vitally important role of the study of the Latvian language in the development of our country, its culture, science and education, as well as in understanding and solving various challenges brought about by the current era,” underscores A. Kalnača.
The main responsibilities of the tenured professor include defining and setting the priority research areas and directions in the respective branch of science, attracting the necessary funding for the implementation of the research programme, managing research projects, as well as participating in international consortia and projects. It is no less important to develop study programmes and courses at the master’s and doctoral level, to supervise the development of doctoral theses, as well as to promote wider recognition of their research field in society.
A repeated call will be announced for the positions of tenured professors in biology and educational science.