The Law on Higher Education Institutions stipulates that the same person cannot apply for the position of rector for more than two terms in succession. The current rector of the University of Latvia, Professor Indriķis Muižnieks, is currently in his second term of office, which currently approaches its expiration, therefore an announcement of an open competition for the post of rector has been published in the official gazette “Latvijas Vēstnesis”.
Applicants must meet the following basic requirements to be eligible to apply for the position of rector of the UL:
doctoral degree in one of the areas of strategic specialization of the University of Latvia in compliance with the Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 449 of 21 June 2022 “On strategic specialization of state higher education institutions”;
impeccable reputation (i.e., absence of reasonable doubt concerning the impeccability of applicant’s reputation and the absence of evidence to the contrary);
management experience in the field of higher education and science at least 8 years, including the governance of higher education and research institutions, their agencies or structural units comprising no less than 4 years;
experience in building international strategic partnerships and managing development or research projects;
experience in research management and achievements in scientific research at the international level (articles in internationally cited publications, participation in research projects);
experience in attracting private or public funding for research and innovation;
Latvian and English language proficiency – at least on the level C1.
Furthermore, the applicants for the post of rector should meet additional requirements – understanding of the normative acts regulating the operation of a research university; academic work experience; experience in elaborating and implementing the development strategy of a higher education institution; comprehension of quality assurance processes in the European Education Area; professional development in the field of higher education management and quality assurance; communication and reasoning skills, orientation towards development and achieving results; experience in change management in academic environment.
The monthly salary before taxes is set from 11,935 euros in accordance with the Unified Salary Procedure and budget of the University of Latvia.
Applicants for the position of UL rector can submit their applications for the current competition until 26 October 2023. After that, the UL Department of Human Resources will evaluate the compliance of applicants with the stipulated requirements.
All the current information will be published on the website rektoravelesanas.lu.lv