On July 24–26, the University of Latvia (UL) House of Science hosts the General Assembly and Foresight Workshop on Opportunities with Laser-Based Technologies of the largest European laser research association “Laserlab”. The UL Laser Centre and Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy are the members of this organisation, which brings together 35 leading institutions in laser-based inter-disciplinary research from 18 countries.
During the first day of the event, two expert groups will present the highlights in the fields of laser applications for clean energy, as well as lasers for cancer research. On the second day of the event, the representatives of member organisations will discuss the examples and perspectives for successful collaboration of science and industry, laser processing for materials’ structuring, photoacoustics. On the third day, the member representatives of the Laserlab-Europe association will meet for the organisation’s General Assembly.
Further information is available here.