The primary objective of this project is to quantify the environmental footprint associated with the cultivation of Ulva in land-based cultivation ponds and assess its environmental viability for the production of packaging materials. The project will employ LCA methodologies to analyze the entire production chain, from cultivation to product development at the laboratory scale.
Key project activities will take place at various institutions, including the University of Latvia, the Alfred Wegener Institute, and the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. These activities include co-mentoring a Master's student on macroalgae cultivation, conducting environmental impact assessments, knowledge exchange through visits between Latvian and German institutions, data collection for LCA, and the utilization of project results for academic publications and Master's thesis development.
As part of the project, a Latvian representative, Karīna Bāliņa, will be hosting a guest workshop at the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research on 7th September 2023. This workshop aims to disseminate project findings and foster discussions on sustainable packaging and biomaterials.
The direct target group of this research project comprises approximately 10-15 individuals who will directly benefit from the results. The LCA assessment of macroalgae cultivation for packaging production will provide vital data on the environmental impact of this study and contribute to understanding the sustainability of the cultivation process. Additionally, the project outcomes will be of interest to the sustainable packaging and biomaterials industry as well as macroalgae cultivation researchers across Europe.
Financial Support: Baltic-German University Liaison Office
This Baltic-German University Liaison Office project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.
For more information about this project or to request an interview with the project team, please contact the project manager: PhD Karina Balina karina.balina@lu.lv