SciFlow is an online word processor for scientists and students that allows researchers to create, edit and format scientific articles and qualifying papers individually or in teams. Digital publications (HTML, PDF) can be distributed and found using SciFlow technology. Trial access to SciFlow is available from 23 April to 23 June 2023.
Researchers have the opportunity to create articles according to different templates and citation styles, i.e. Academic Standard, AMA, APA, and it is also possible to request other templates. Completed articles can be exported as a PDF, MS Word, HTML or JATS file. SciFlow automatically checks spelling in English and German, depending on which language is selected. Authors have the opportunity to communicate with each other using the chat function, as well as to leave comments on text chapters.
To use SciFlow, you must register here with your UL email. More information about SciFlow is available here. The SciFlow channel on YouTube has short tutorials on how to use SciFlow, for example:
SciFlow | The Quick Introduction
Collaboration Without Borders | SciFlow Basics
Writefull is a tool that uses the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to provide language feedback in scientific texts. Writefull is available as a downloadable add-in for MS Word and Overleaf. Writefull checks spelling, phraseology and grammar in scientific texts. Trial access to Writefull is available from 24 April to 23 May 2023.
Writefull offers 2 widgets that would be useful for writing scientific papers. Language Search, a database with examples of authentic language of scientific texts, to see how words and phrases should be used in a specific context, and Sentence Palette, a list of the most frequently used phrases in several scientific articles. In addition to these widgets, it is possible to get additional tools – Writefull Revise, which screens the text and checks the correctness of the grammar, spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and style of the text, and Writefull Cite, which screens checks the text to ensure the completeness of the quotations, highlighting the sentences that need to be supported by a reference. For UL users, to get these additional tools, click here for Writefull Revise and click here for Writefull Cite. To use Writefull, you need to create an account with your UL email.
The software required to install Writefull for both MS Word and Overleaf is available here. The Writefull guide for MS Word is available here and the Overleaf tutorial is available here. The Writefull channel on YouTube platform has short tutorials on how to use Writefull, for example:
How to use Writefull for Word to write and proofread your work
We invite you to access the trial resource and please send your feedback to info-bibl@lu.lv or pass it here! Your feedback would be useful to evaluate the necessity of this resource for your study and research.