The proceedings of scientific papers “Media of Society, 2022” is available here: https://www.apgads.lu.lv/izdevumi/brivpieejas-izdevumi/konferencu-krajumi/media-and-society-2022/ and in the repository of Library of the University of Latvia.
The current proceedings represent the collection of reports in two sections of the media and communication science. The first section was organized under the auspices of the research project “Risks to Democracy Caused by Disinformation and Conspiracy: Reviewing the Latvian Experience.” This project is implemented with the support of the Fundamental and Applied Project Programme by Latvian Council of Science. The focus of the section was the analysis of current and past information processes, the spread of disinformation, communication ethics, as well as the role of social networks in the spread of information and disinformation.
The collection also includes the research presented in the section of young researchers and doctoral students of media and communication science. Their thematic spectrum is wide; however, the focus remains on the analysis of diverse information processes, examples of the information space control by non-democratic regimes, digitization and new media.
These proceedings contain 18 articles authored by experienced scientists, as well as representatives of the younger generation of researchers. Thus, this collection is a good example of the synergy of different generations of scientists, and the regeneration of scientists.
We hope that these proceedings will bring a valuable contribution to the field of media and communication publications and stimulate further research, as well as participation with valuable research results in future conferences.
The publication has been prepared with the support of the project “Risks to Democracy Caused by Disinformation and Conspiracy: Reviewing the Latvian Experience” (lzp-2019/1-0278) of Fundamental and Applied Project Programme funded by the Latvian Council of Science.