Šajā izdevumā ir iekļauti vairāki L U akadēmiskā personāla raksti:
Maija Kūle “The Importance of Eco-phenomenology in the Understanding of the Pandemic Crisis – New Turns and Concepts” un “Eco-phenomenological Interpretation of Autonomous Being at the Time of Pandemic”,
Ella Buceniece “People on E(e)arth: Eco-phenomenological Turns in the Understanding of Life and Human Life in the Contemporary Situation”,
Igors Šuvajevs “The Phenomenology of Forms of Dwellings: The Self, Others and the Uncanny”,
Uldis Vēgners “The Phenomenology of the Coronavirus and the Uncanny World of the Pandemic”,
Māra Rubene “Eco-phenomenology of Ambient Urbanism, Earth and Sky (Along the Aesthetic Lane)”,
Ineta Kivle “Keep Your Distance! – Personal Space in the Pandemic Viewed Through Husserl’s Monophony and Deleuze and Guattari’s Polyphony”,
Velga Vēvere “Varieties of Distancing Experience”,
Māris Kūlis “The Human Condition of Terror: Radiation, Terrorism, Viruses”.
Kopumā izdevums iepazīstina ar ekofenomenoloģijas lomu pandēmijas un pēcpandēmijas laikā un ir unikāls arī ar to, ka Covid-19 pandēmija ir pētīta kā fenomenoloģiski interpretēta un ekoloģiska parādība.
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