The first priority is our solidarity with Ukraine – not only in words but also in deeds, emphasizes Kristaps Jaudzems, Chair of the Senate of the University of Latvia. © Photo: Toms Grīnbergs, University of Latvia Department of Communication

The Chair of the Senate of the University of Latvia (UL), Professor Kristaps Jaudzems, will convene an extraordinary meeting of the UL Senate to initiate the revocation of the Honorary Doctorate of the University of Latvia from Russian millionaire Petr Aven.

The honorary doctorate degree of the University of Latvia was awarded on 25 March 2013 by a decision of the Senate of the University of Latvia to Petr Aven, who is also a professor at the Moscow University of Economics, on scientific and practical contribution to Latvia's development and cooperation with Russia.

“The first priority is to affirm our solidarity with Ukraine, not only in words but also in deeds. Petr Aven has supported Putin's politics and Russia's aggression in Ukraine. Therefore, he has forfeited the title of Honorary Doctor of the University of Latvia. Reputation is the cornerstone of every university. It is difficult to gain, but easy to lose. We must act decisively,” emphasizes Kristaps Jaudzems, Chair of the Senate of the University of Latvia.

The Rector of the University of Latvia, Professor Indriķis Muižnieks, states: “Until now, not a single University of Latvia honorary title has been revoked. However, Russia's aggression against Ukraine and crimes committed by Putin regime at this very moment call out to us. We cannot fail to react if the supporters of such actions also bear the honorary title of the University of Latvia. In the 1990s, the scientific and practical work of Petr Aven significantly contributed to the dismantling of the command economy system and the collapse of the USSR. Nevertheless, he has not yet expressed clear condemnation of Russia's aggression and the actions of the Putin regime. Moreover, the European Union's sanctions corroborate the active support of Peter Aven to Russia's criminal politics. Several employees of the University of Latvia have also condemned the situation when a supporter of aggression bears the honorary degree of the University of Latvia.”

In compliance with the regulations of the Senate of the University of Latvia, an extraordinary sitting will be convened not later than within a week, this will be decided today, March 3, by the Presidium of the Senate of the University of Latvia.


The University of Latvia revokes the Honorary Doctorate from Petr Aven

The University of Latvia revokes the Honorary Doctorate from Petr Aven