On March 18, 2021, the online webinar of the project MODEST (Modernization of Doctoral Education in Science and Improvement of Teaching Methodologies) "Research Methodology: From Hypothesis Setting to Publication" will take place.
This webinar will cover topics such as research hypothesis and literature work in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, research planning, day-to-day research activities, and processing of research results. Also during the webinar, various convenient data processing and visualization methods will be discussed. The final part of the webinar will be dedicated to the publication of research results and various tips will be provided for the preparation of a successful publication.
The webinar will start at 12.00 (LV time) and will last about an hour, venue: ZOOM platform.
We invite you to join the webinar by filling out the registration form below:
MODEST March 18 webinar registration: https://forms.gle/ACfi5PnmfjPgQC6y5
After registration, information with access data will be sent to the specified e-mail.
The Erasmus+ MODEST project aims at modernization of doctoral education in Sci-ence in European countries and Armenia, Belarus, and Russia. A wider project objec-tive is to enhance cooperation capacities of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) of Partner Countries in the field of Doctoral Studies within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA).