In todays COVID-19 pandemic, it has become apparent, that more epidemiologists are needed in Latvia. They are professionals, who can plan and coordinate prophylactic and preventative measures. During this academic semester, University of Latvia (UL), for the first time, has enrolled new students in their new study program “Epidemiology and medicinal statistics”. On the other hand, patron “Biosan” has provided a generous support for the new professionals in this field and their research.
At the UL faculty of medicine (FoM), for the past couple of years, intensive work has been carried out to create new masters level study program in the field of epidemiology and medicinal statistics. The study program has been granted a license and the first group of students has been enrolled in a year, where the world has been taken by a coronavirus pandemic. This global pandemic has shed light on the extreme necessity of professionals who can devise a methodology for conducting epidemiologic and other types of studies as well as carry out a statistical analysis of medicinal data and interpret it`s results.
Taking into consideration the fast spread of Covid-19 infection, burden on the health care system as well as a necessity to maintain a continuous work of multiple governmental agencies and services, “Biosan” has made a generous donation of 6000 EUR, which will be able the reduce the study costs of multiple students of the epidemiology and medicinal statistics program as well as give support to multiple students with high grades and accomplishments who are also employees at the Center of Disease Control and Prophylactics. Altogether, 5 students will receive the mentioned stipend, but one student has received a special research stipend in the field of epidemiology. The total donated sum amounts to 9000 EUR. Donation is administered by the UL foundation.
The dean of UL FoM Valdis Folkmanis says: “The Covid-19 pandemic clearly illustrates societies lack of preparedness for these kinds of situations. This and similar situations can be resolved by evidence-based science.” He also points to the large and increasing amount of data gathered by the field of medicine and others. At the same time, there is a lack of professionals who can analyze this kind of data. “In my opinion, epidemiology especially will be on of the most sought after professions in the future, which will allow us to make balanced, data and research driven decisions and solve problems in the health sector. I am especially happy that “Biosan” is already providing the necessary support for the upcoming professionals in the field of epidemiology”.
About the University of Latvia foundation
Since 2004. The foundation provides an opportunity for the patrons and cooperation partners to support both UL and other leading universities of Latvia, therefore making an investment in the future of Latvia. The foundations main priority is to support the most excellent students and researchers, promoting the creation of a modern study environment as well as the development of new UL buildings and reconstruction of the old ones.
About the University of Latvia
University of Latvia has been the national, leading and the most influential university in Latvia. It`s the biggest wide profile university in Latvia, which has an important place not only in the development of the education system, but also the overall growth of the countries economy. At this moment, the academic center of UL is being constructed, which will become one of the most modern study and research facilities in the Northern Europe. House of Nature and House of Science have already been finished, with the House of Letters waiting to open its doors next.