Jānis Šīre is an alumnus for the year 2003 at the University of Latvia`s faculty of geography and earth sciences. In his time, he was the recipient of the Morbergs stipend, but now he is continuing his path in research and is a father of two happy girls.
Jānis shares his thoughts…
1. What is your current occupation?
Since 2013 I have been working at the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center, where I lead the inland waters division. Since January 1st 2020, I am the leader of LIFE GOODWATER IP integrated project. Also, i`m still a lector at the University of Latvia.
2. Why, in your own thoughts, it is important to provide support to students and new researchers?
The support that the students and researchers receive, allows them to fully dedicate themselves to research, decreasing the need for finding a job in an unrelated field.
3. What is the achievement you are most proud of?
Being a father to two wonderful daughters! On a more serious note – I would like to mention the LIFE integrated project, where I was actively involved in its preparation and am now involved in its realization. It`s the first LIFE project in Latvia and it is dedicated to improving the quality of waters in Latvia. 19 partners, 8 years and a budget of more than 14 mil. EUR. (More info at – www.goodwater.lv)
4. What did it mean for you to become a receiver of a stipend? What did you get out of this support?
Firstly, it was an honor and pride about a “victory” of sorts, because without a doubt the competition was tough. Secondly, it allowed me to concentrate on my research, which I was conducting at the time under the supervision of prof. Māra Kļaviņa.
5. What are some of your dreams and goals?
Continue active work and improving myself in the field in which im currently working in – water management. I have wonderful colleagues, and I enjoy working with them very much and therefore I want it to continue to be this way in the future as well.
6. What is the main source of your inspiration and motivation?
Family and my hobby – flying a paraglider. It`s very inspiring.
7. Why did you choose the life path that you are currently on?
I think it was more of an accident, I was invited to a conversation, during which I came to learn that it was a job interview! After thinking it over, I decided to take up the challenge and I haven`t regretted it ever since. I like working in a collective, I like dynamic and versatile work. These are the reasons why I`m not thinking about changing professions any time soon.
8. What did you dream of becoming in your childhood?
Engine driver (train) – I really liked trains. Even now I find them interesting and exciting.
9. What, in your opinion, is the best thing in the world?
Family, friends, colleagues – mutual support.
10. What is your wish to the foundation of UL?
To continue support both students and researchers – in my opinion, every single one of them is very appreciative.