Artūrs Tomsons is a 2008 Faculty of History and Philisophy graduate who was the recipient of the scholarship "Nipon" administered by the University of Latvia (UL) Foundation. Currently, Artūrs works as a full-fledged archaeologist, performs consultations and supervision and research work.
Artūrs’ daily life consists of the need to ensure the presence of an archaeologist during various construction works, in the historical centers of the city and in the territory and protection zones of other cultural and archeological monuments.
The graduate is proud of his achievement in 2018 - a monograph on ancient swords and weapon archeology in Latvia, based on the doctoral thesis defended at UL Faculty of History and Philosophy in 2012. It was broadcast on the LNT channel: https://skaties.lv/zinas/latvija/sabiedriba/klaja-nacis-unikals-petijums-par-zobeniem-kadi-senak-lietoti-latvijas-teritorija/ . He is also happy that he has the opportunity to lead the Latvian Archaeological Club and organize experimental archeology projects.
The former UL Foundation stipendiary is motivated and inspired by the biographies of the beginners of each field, inspiring stories of the pioneers. The biggest motivation comes from being in nature, traveling, visiting historical archeological sites, as well as working in experimental archeology with a self-made copy of ancient tools and modern testing of prehistoric technologies.
The graduate knew from childhood that the field of archeology would be the one in which he would work, it was clear to him that he would link his life with the study of history with further specialization in archeology. His aim is therefore to raise public awareness of the preservation of cultural heritage in general, including the promotion of the preservation and development of the archeological sector.
Artūrs believes that it is important to support young students and researchers so that they do not have to sacrifice their free time to ensure their lives, so that they do not have to think about how to combine work and studies qualitatively. During his studies, obtaining a scholarship was very important for him. It allowed to obtain the necessary time for writing the research and, by investing part of the money in the equipment, also for the better implementation of the research, because not all study institutions have the necessary equipment.
The graduate wishes to the University of Latvia Foundation: “To continue to provide positivism and support to those who really need it. I appreciate this support even after more than 10 years. "