Erasmus+ MODEST project aims at modernization of doctoral education in Science in European countries and Armenia, Belarus, and Russia. A wider project objective is "to enhance cooperation capacities of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) of Partner Countries in the field of Doctoral Studies within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA)".
However, ARMDOCT project addresses an urgent need in Reforming Doctoral Education (DE) in Armenia in line with the Salzburg Principles with the emphasis on policy, legal framework (including by-laws) and institutional procedures supporting integrative and internationally-oriented doctoral studies involving universities, research institutions and industry. ARMDOCT is the continuation of the “Promoting internationalization of research through the establishment and operationalization of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System in line with the European Integration Agenda” (C3QA) project.
Since both projects have common priorities and target groups, in the meeting there were discussed cooperation possibilities and decision made that there will be created common tasks roadmap taking into consideration meeting outcomes.
However, one direction of the potential cooperation could be organization of the common training sessions on development of PhD education in partner countries, efficient training for supervisors, challenges in PhD studies due to the Covid-19 and common information material depository. The first cooperation activities will be started already at the beginning of the 2021.