Lelde currently works as a researcher at the University of Latvia and also acts as an independent expert in the European Commission. Her passion is to combine engineering and social science on topics related to energy and the environment.
She has a doctoral degree in environmental engineering. Lelde has worked and studied in six various countries. Her previous work resulted in more than 50 scientific articles that were presented in more than 15 countries and thus attracted around 4.5 million euro to science. She is one of the five people in Latvia that got her research project funded under highly competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie action.
Currently, she continues her education at Riga Stradins University, Latvia, and represents the Republic of Latvia in the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action as Management Committee Member. Moreover, she recently became an expert at Latvian Council of Science and got invited to act as Topic Editor the international scientific journal Sustainability.
Right now at University of Latvia Lelde is working on European Regional Development Fund’s post-doctoral research project “Holistic computing within socio-technical systems to design energy efficiency policy tool (HOTSPOT)” (No. : This project will contribute to the goals of the Smart Specialisation Strategy in the field of smart energy and information and communications technology. More about the project.