The Agora of Knowledge is an opportunity for researchers and students to present their research and promote people’s interest in science. Any researcher and student who has recently completed or is currently implementing an innovative study that would be of interest to a wider audience is invited to apply to the Agora of Knowledge.
“The Agora of Knowledge is a great opportunity to tell people about your research and its results. For some of us, this will be the first step in promoting our research, while for others – the next step towards research excellence. Every study is important, therefore we invite researchers of exact and social sciences, as well as humanities to celebrate their research at the Day of New Technologies and Innovation at the University of Latvia,” Professor Signe Bāliņa, Deputy Rector for Digital Society, invites the researchers and students to participate in the Agora of Knowledge.
It is planned to broadcast the Agora of Knowledge in an interactive format online, as well as to ensure publicity before and after the event – all presentations will be recorded, the video material and a press release will be issued, and a publication printed in the University of Latvia magazine “Alma Mater”.
The estimated duration of each presentation will be 7–8 minutes. Everyone who would like to participate is invited to send a short description of the study to Indra Trofimoviča at indra.trofimovica@lu.lv by September 11.
The main theme of the University of Latvia Day of New Technologies and Innovation which will take place on September 25 at the University of Latvia Academic Centre, House of Science, is “Smart University”. The event gives students, researchers and graduates the opportunity to demonstrate their achievements of the year, as well as create new, innovative ideas. The event will be held for the second consecutive year, but it will be the first time when it coincides with the celebration of the University of Latvia anniversary – a truly fitting greeting to mark the 101st year of the University of Latvia. Following the tradition, the University of Latvia Alumni Club extends a particular invitation to every University graduate to attend the event and celebrate the University of Latvia Alumni Day together.
The attendance of the event will be monitored according to the national restrictions, but anyone interested can be sure that the event will be accessible in any case, as both the day's programme and the evening will be broadcasted online in an interactive form. Admission to the on-site event will be free of charge.
The UL Day of New Technologies and Innovation is organized by the University of Latvia. It is supported by the UL Student Council and the UL Alumni Club. The event will be implemented in the framework of the project “University of Latvia Innovation Grants for Students”.