In this call, the FORTHEM Alliance has successfully raised another € 2 million to work together on the FIT FORTHEM (Fostering Institutional Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities) project, or to promote the institutional transformation of research and innovation policy in European universities. The three-year project is based on common goals, already successful and intensive cooperation and exchange of experience. FIT FORTHEM focuses primarily on activities initiated by FORTHEM Labs and on long-term integration into the Alliance to increase the research and innovation potential of each partner university. Transformation processes will start with the identification of common research areas, the definition of a common open science policy, the establishment of international research teams involving private and public stakeholders, the use of partners' research infrastructures, and strong support for joint grant applications in European programs. The project also aims to continue develop a deep mutual understanding between all participants and to strengthen the professional skills of researchers in research management, strategic planning and scientific communication. With FIT FORTHEM, the Alliance will reach another milestone on the path to successful long-term and inclusive cooperation in both higher education and research and innovation field.
FORTHEM (Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility) is one of 17 European University Alliances approved by the European Commission in 2019, with the aim of developing and implementing in 2025 an innovative model for future cooperation with other European universities, based on joint strategy for transnational higher education, with a common governance structure and a common study and research infrastructure.
The University of Latvia participates in FORTHEM together with seven European universities: J. Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) - coordinator; University of Burgundy in Dijon in France (Université de Bourgogne), University of Jyväskylä in Finland (Jyväskylän yliopisto), University of Opole in Poland (Uniwersytet Opolski), University of Palermo in Italy (Universita 'degli Studi di Palermo), University of Valencia in Spain (Universitat de València).