In order to reduce the risks for the staff of the University of Latvia (UL), students, guests and visitors to become infected with Covid-19, and in compliance with the Cabinet of Ministers 09.06.2020. Regulation No. 360 “Epidemiological safety measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection”, the University of Latvia has approved internal regulations for the implementation of epidemiological safety measures.
Epidemiological safety measures at the University of Latvia for limiting the spread of Covid-19
Responsibilities of the UL staff and students
- follow the orders, instructions and recommendations issued by the UL administration on epidemiological safety measures at the UL that are made available on the UL website and in the UL e-mail;
- to comply with the recommendations of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC), especially when returning from business trips or holidays abroad. Employees will be welcome back when the days of self-isolation are completed;
- not to gather in the premises of the University of Latvia outside the performance of study and work duties;
- when in the premises of the University of Latvia, to observe the maximum possible distance between persons;
- upon entering and staying in the premises of the University of Latvia, to provide the security and service staff of the University of Latvia with the means of your personal identification, presenting a valid employee or student card upon request;
- to inform the UL building administrators or security guards about inviting of visitors or their arrival, indicating the room where the meeting will take place, or personally welcoming the visitors at the entrance of the building;
- under no circumstances be present at the premises of the University of Latvia with symptoms of acute respiratory infectious disease or in case of quarantine, isolation or self-isolation;
- be vigilant of your health condition; if an acute respiratory infection with the symptoms of Covid-19 occurs, immediately report to the head of the main structural unit or work, the director of the study programme, methodologist or lecturer of the current planned lecture, leave the premises of the University of Latvia and contact a doctor;
- as far as possible, reduce the use of shared surfaces and objects, such as touch screens, computers, keyboards, etc. Do not transfer such devices, tools and equipment, including stationery, from one person to another;
- the UL recommends using the application “Stop Covid” (Apturi Covid).
Organisation of study process
- The UL, in compliance with all epidemiological safety regulations, provides on-site studies at the UL.
- In order to exclude the simultaneous gathering of large groups of students in auditoriums and common areas, the studies in undergraduate study programmes must be planned with a time lag at the beginning of lectures.
- Studies in auditoriums and laboratories are to be organised in groups of not more than 50 students (not including teaching staff and service staff). In this case, the requirement of a two-meter distance between students may be disregarded.
- A two-meter distance in the auditoriums should be provided between the students and the lecturer. If classes are held simultaneously for several groups of students, distance between groups should be provided.
- During the breaks, the airing of the premises shall be ensured for at least 15 minutes.
- The on-site study process for groups of more than 50 persons may be organised if it is possible to ensure a distance of two meters between persons both in the auditorium and in the common areas.
- Upon the evaluation of the considerations of expediency, and the substantiation of the decision with the considerations listed in this the Procedures and informing the Vice-Rector of the relevant field, the Dean of the Faculty may issue an instruction on delivering study programme courses or parts thereof remotely, but according to the planned schedule of classes. The remote implementation of the study programme courses, or parts thereof online is allowed if:
- it is impossible to ensure a distance of two metres between persons, or distance in public spaces and control of the flow of students in classes involving more than 50 students at the same time in one room (excluding teaching staff and service staff);
- more than 50 % of the students of the group are in quarantine, isolation or self-isolation;
- more than 50% of the students of the group are foreign nationals who, due to epidemiological restrictions, cannot participate on-site;
- the CDPC detects an increase in the prevalence of Covid-19 infection in the administrative territory of the municipality, where UL studies are taking place.
- If studies are organized remotely, the faculty must provide the study process in accordance with the study plan and the list of classes, video recordings and materials of classes must be placed in the UL e-study environment, the attendance of students who have participated in the class must be registered. However, if students are unable to participate in the study process due to contracting Covid-19 or being Covid-19 patient contacts, or persons subject to quarantine, isolation or self-isolation as evidenced by a certificate issued by CDPC or physician, the faculty will ensure development of individual study and examination plans and their approval.
Continuing education
- Continuing education during the period up to 31.10.2020 may be implemented in on-site groups, where the number of participants does not exceed 50 persons, observing the distance of two meters between persons and ensuring at least 3 m2 of the area per person in the premises where continuing education is provided.
- In continuing education classes at the premises of the UL, the same epidemiological safety measures are provided as in the UL general operating conditions and in the organisation of the study process.
- In continuing education, the distance learning opportunities are to be used to the maximum in order to reduce the time of on-site activities in the premises of the University of Latvia.
Organisation of events
- Activities that are not related to the main activities of the UL – study, scientific activities and services to the public – shall be organised if they do not interfere with the main activities, subject to the conditions and regulations. The organiser of the event is a person who signs an application for the organisation of the event in the premises of the UL and takes responsibility for the compliance of the event with the regulations of the University of Latvia.
- If the event is likely to lead to an increased risk of infection, the event may be relocated to other premises, the number of participants in the event may be reduced or the time of the event may be changed.
- At event sites, the number of persons present there at the same time shall not exceed 1000 persons in indoor spaces, 3000 persons in outdoor spaces (excluding service staff). During gathering, a distance of two meters between persons and access to disinfectants is to be ensured.
- The UL persons responsible for the event have the right to suspend the conduct of the on-site event if the regulations are not complied with, or expel persons who do not comply with the above requirements. If required, the State Police or the Riga Municipality Police may be involved.
More information about organizing events and organizer's responsibilities
Sport and culture
- Not more than 30 people can gather in one training group at a time for the course of a sports training, and no less than 4 m2 of training area per person must be provided.
- Amateur theatres, choirs, dance groups and orchestras organise rehearsals, classes and events in accordance with the requirements of Cabinet Regulation.
Process of work
- When organising on-site work and study process, the head of structural unit informs the employees are responsible for implementation and compliance with all security regulations.
- The head of the structural unit must report immediately to the head of the occupational safety management system on Covid-19 cases or risks associated with the possibility of infection with Covid-19, and provide the head of the occupational safety management system with all necessary information for communication with the CDPC.
- The structural unit must organise registration of participants for any forms of assembly necessary for the performance of work and study process (lectures, seminars, classes, meetings, conferences, etc.) for timely identification and warning of contact persons in the event of the spread of Covid-19 infection.
- To the extent possible, the provision of services must be ensured by prior appointment, thus preventing the risk of crowding, and by securing a physical distance of two meters or protective desk screens.
- The head of structural unit monitors that the indoor meeting, study and other event venues bring together not more than 1000 persons at a time, ensuring that not more than 50 % of the total number of persons permitted by the area and infrastructure of the event site are present on the event site and a distance of two metres between persons is observed.
- Heads of core structural units may organise work remotely if:
- the employee is subjected to home quarantine, isolation or self-isolation, as well as in cases where it is not possible to ensure adequate epidemiological safety measures in the workplace;
- it is not possible to ensure sufficient epidemiological safety measures in the workplace during the organization of meetings, but it is possible to identify the participants of the meetings by the University of Latvia e-mail or other information technology tools available at the UL;
- The UL Administration departments and officials, in accordance with their competence, shall provide support to other structural units in implementing these procedures when providing work and study process on-site.