From 26 June to 9 July 2016, a student of European Studies Master Programme Algimants KONTAUTS participated in the first International Summer School Europe Asia Dynamics 2016 in Bremen, Germany.

The main idea of this project is to enhance the understanding of synergies between both continents – Asia and Europe. During the two-week intensive schedule students have discussed a wide range of topics – political Asia’s relation with Europe, historical interactions between Asia and Europe; the role of Europe and Asia in the global political economy; cultural interactions, differences in cultural norms, work cultures in Europe and in Asia; different European and Asian approaches to sustainability and environmental policy and many others. Besides theoretical lectures, workshops and cultural program given by professors from Europe and Asia, students had an opportunity to visit Airbus Bremen factory and Becks brewery.

The Europe Asia Dynamics was created by consortium of the University of Latvia (Latvia), Manipal University (India), Dalian University of Technology (China), Aarhus University (Denmark) and Hochschule Bremen (Germany) which was host institution this year. The initiative was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Academic Exchange Service.

For programme and more information, please visit -


Algimants KONTAUTS about the Europe Asia Dynamics 2016:

"I was the lucky one who got an opportunity to join the International Summer School Europe Asia Dynamics 2016 in beautiful Hochschule Bremen. It was two weeks of great curriculum filled with daily interactive seminars by professors from Germany, Denmark, Latvia, India, etc. Every other evening, we also visited “local businesses” such as Airbus and Becks brewery as well as local historical spots in Domsheide that is filled with spirit of the Bremen Town Musicians and freedom. The most precious part of this trip was the mix of great people from more than 10 countries and backgrounds, who were more than willing to share knowledge, experience and ideas and collaborate in all forms possible. I met a lot of new friends in this short with whom we are going to keep in touch and definitely meet again on personal and professional levels. 

I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Friedrich Lehman, Dr. Shazia Aziz Wulbers, Hochschule Bremen, DAAD, Asia-Europe Meeting, Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung, Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Europa and others for the warm welcome in Bremen. My special thanks goes to Prof. Dr. Muravska and Dr. Putans for highlighting this opportunity to students from University of Latvia and great performance during the summer school."
