Students of any bachelor’s, major’s or professional higher education study programmes of any higher education institutions who wish to introduce a wider public to their research and obtain their first scientific publication can become participants of this year’s conference “Mundus et...”. According to the main theme of the conference, participants will be encouraged to look at the world on a global scale, placing an emphasis on the interaction between the world and human, idea, reason and society. “No-one will deny that the world is in a difficult place right now, however moments like these not only allow for a chance to slow down and evaluate what’s happening around us on a wider context, but also make way for innovations and discoveries in research that haven’t been possible up until now, ” explains Jēkabs Akermanis, project manager of the conference “Mundus et...” .
Submitted papers will be open for presentation in one of four sections, which are made for the promotion of interdisciplinary research and overstepping the usual barriers of division by branches of science, thus allowing to view the world from the standpoint of life, exact, humanitarian and social sciences:
- “Mundus et homo” (World and human);
- “Mundus et idea” (World and idea);
- “Mundus et sciens” (World and reason);
- “Mundus et communitas” (World and society).
“According to the project of innovation grants for students, authors of the most promising scientific works will be awarded with targeted scholarships, whose total fund is 9120 €. We hope that these scholarships will serve as motivation for further research and innovations both in Latvia and the world”, says UL Deputy Rector for Digital Society questions, professor Signe Bāliņa.
Authors of the best papers will have a chance to include their work as a scientific publication in the “Mundus et...” conference proceedings, and one author will also get a chance to publish their work in internet magazine “Satori”.
Applications are open for admission until the 30th of June 2020 by filling out the application form found on the communication channels of the conference, as well as adding the abstract of the paper. To learn more on the conference, application process and evaluation criteria, visit the homepage of the conference at konference.lusp.lv.
Financial support for the targeted scholarships is provided by the UL Microsoft Center of Innovations project “Innovation grants for UL students” (project nr. and will be awarded to the most promising papers according to the jury commission.
About last years’ conference
Last year’s conference “Homo et...” was the first students’ scientific conference in UL. First three places in each section of the conference received prizes, but Līva Kukle, Elīna Sustenberga, Inese Grīnbauma and Valts Liepiņš as winners of the sections each received the main prize of a 200 € scholarship from SEB bank. Līva Kukle with her paper “Jā, that’s true: the use of English in the speech of Latvian youth” also received a special award from internet magazine “Satori”, allowing her to publish her work in the magazine and record as a podcast episode. Nine of the papers presented at the conference have also been published in the “Homo et...” conference proceedings, published by the Academic publishing of the UL and opened online just a few days ago on 12th of May. Anyone interested in reading the published works now has the chance to do so online on the homepage of the Academic publishing of the UL.