The Galenieks family conceived the idea of donating about five years ago in the advent of their 50th wedding anniversary. They unanimously decided to forgo a grand celebration, but instead to support the most talented students of the University of Latvia (UL) and Riga Technical University (RTU). In 2018, the couple set up the Galenieks Family Scholarship in collaboration with the American-Latvian Foundation “Friends of the University of Latvia” and the UL Foundation. Valija and Modris Galenieks emphasize: “In today's era of technology, education is decisive in personal lives, as well as for Latvia's future in order to compete with other countries worldwide.”
One of the recipients of the first scholarship subscribes to the opinion of patrons: “Latvian students are worth supporting, because it motivates them to be even more active. Moreover, receiving a scholarship gives the feeling that someone appreciates your work and desire for knowledge,” emphasizes RTU student Artūrs Mazurs. Elīza Gaile, a student of the University of Latvia, as well as Ņikita Kuzmins and Mārtiņš Ļuļļa, RTU students, have also received the scholarships.
Far away and yet so close
Modris was born on July 8, 1933 in Riga, but after 10 years, he and his family had to flee to Germany. In 1950, the family moved on to Chicago, where they settled permanently. In Chicago, Modris received an engineer’s education and worked as an engineer at several firms.
Valija’s (née Tukleris) story is similar – the patroness was born on February 29, 1940, in her parents' home "Ziemeļi" in Sventoji, Lithuania, border area with Latvia, but in 6 years, her family took the arduous decision to leave their home. Initially, Valija's family moved to Sweden, then Canada, but in 1959 Valija arrived at Chicago, where she met Modris.
Valija and Modris got married in 1965 and this year they will celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. Both patrons are very diligent and persistent – they have worked hard throughout their lives, at times even in two jobs. The earnings of their working lives enable them to enjoy life, and simultaneously support worthy Latvian organizations worldwide, as well as hardworking UL and RTU students.
Alongside their contribution to scholarship fund, Valija and Modris Galenieks regularly support various Latvian organizations and science-related activities. For example, in 2017, the couple financially supported the World Latvian Economic and Innovation Forum in Chicago, and in 2018, with a donation of almost EUR 4 000, the IBM Programming Championship and Cognitive Science Symposium was organized in Riga. The organizations that have received Galenieks family support include the “Chicago Latvian Radio Broadcast” and the Chicago Latvian Ski Club.
Perpetuation of noble beginnings
Modris and Valija Galenieks wish Latvian students: “Perseverance, patience for the future, and remember to help the young students who will follow in your footsteps!” The UL Foundation congratulates Valija on her anniversary and wishes her strength, endurance and vigour to continue her charitable endeavours and be delight in life for years to come!
Although the greatest part of Galenieks family lives have been linked to the US, they have always retained close ties with their native country, Latvia. Both patrons have given invaluable support to science and students of Latvia. The patriotism and love for Latvia has been faithfully upheld by the Galenieks family, inspiring us to respect, appreciate and support the land of our ancestors, wherever in the world fate may take us.