Online subscribed databases: ClinicalKey, Dawsonera e-grāmatas, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, EBSCO nacionālā pakete, EBSCO PsycARTICLES, Emerald eJournals Premier, Euromonitor International - Passport GMID, European Pharmacopoeia Online 9.0, Financial Times, International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society, Journal of Chemical Education, Journal of Arabic Literature, JSTOR, Jurista Vārds, LETA Arhīvs un Nozare.lv, Letonika.lv, MarketLine, Nodokļu likumu komentāri, OECD iLibrary, Orbis, Oxford Journals Online, Physical Review Journals+ Physical Review Online (PROLA), Proquest Dissertation and Theses Global, ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete Collection (If you haven’t created your personal account up until now, please contact librarian via e-mail info-bibl@lu.lv to request it. Indicate your first and last name and e-mail ), SAGE Journals Online, Sage Research Methods, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SpringerLink Contemporary Journals, Taylor & Francis Social Science & Humanities Library, Times Higher Education, Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG), UpToDate, Web of Science, ZentralBlatt (zMATH).
To access electronic resources, please authorize with your UL username and password.
Here is a list of electronic resources by discipline.
To search resources you are also welcome to use Primo Discovery search engine. Here are the instructions.
In addition you can explore these UL collections:
- 7 digital collections in UL repository with more than 900 objects: UL Scientific papers, doctoral theses, digitized parchments, engravings from the collection „Description de l’Egypte”, legal literature in Latvian and foreign languages, scientific papers in Earth sciences, Journal of Latvian Geographical Society Folia Geographica (1929-1938)
- 3 UL Libray created databases: History and Publications of the Staff of Latvian University, Theses of the Latvian University, Students' degree papers of the Latvian University.
UL Library e-services:
- Digitization of Library resources of your request, free of charge. Librarian will scan articles or chapters and send them to you. Please fill this form to request the service!
- A list of e-resources on your topic – free of charge. Librarian will put together a list of resources for your assignment, bachelor or masters thesis. Please fill this form to request the service!
- Until Aptil 14 librarians will consult patrons remotely on working days 9:00-17:00:
Telephone and WhatsApp: 28623551, e-mail: info-bibl@lu.lv
Contacts of branch libraries.
Branch libraries will be open for UL students, academic and administrative staff and researchers for receiving books:
- March 26 – 9:00-17:00
- March 30 – 9:00-17:00
- April 2 – 9:00-17:00
- April 6 – 9:00-17:00
- April 8 – 9:00-17:00
- April 14 – 9:00-17:00
Deliveries of requested resources from Library Storage will happen on March 26, April 2 and April 8.
Due the emergency circumstances the period of book loan is extended for every library patron without any fines.