In order to reduce the Covid-19 infection risks among the University of Latvia employees, students, guests and visitors, the on-site study process is suspended from March 13 to June 9.
To limit the spread of Covid-19, the Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers has announced the extension of the state of emergency until June 9, 2020.
Until June 9, the University of Latvia shall implement the following epidemiological safety measures for curbing the spread of Covid-19:
- to suspend the process of organizing lectures, classes, seminars and other forms of on-site studies, further education and interest education (including cultural and sports training, competitions and rehearsals, except for the stipulated exceptions to the organization of sports training) processes, and examinations (including state centralized examinations), conducting and implementation thereof, with the exception of:
- face-to-face student counselling (including practical and laboratory work) in preparation for state examinations, including professional qualification examinations;
- the state examinations, which cannot be conducted remotely.
In these exceptional cases, application of the following social (physical) distancing and epidemiological safety measures is mandatory:
- at any event, gathering of no more than 25 persons at a time;
- gathering time indoors (remaining in the same room) does not exceed 3 hours;
- distance of 2 metres between persons and access to disinfectants.
- to cancel and suspend (except for events with a maximum of 25 participants that also fully comply with Safety measures) organization of all scientific, educational, festive, memorial, entertainment, cultural, sporting and recreational events, meetings, marches open to public and other face-to-face, on-site events at the University of Latvia;
- to ensure remote conducting of the study processes in the study programmes, including state examinations (defence of bachelor's, master's and qualification theses), using the University of Latvia e-learning environment, including video conference format and other remote communication tools, with an exception of those study programmes in which it is not possible to organize state examinations remotely. Provide for compliance with Safety measures and availability of protective equipment during on-site state examinations.
- The University of Latvia basic structural units, including scientific institutes and the University of Latvia Administration must work remotely as far as possible;
- The University of Latvia students are allowed access to the University of Latvia premises (libraries) upon presenting a valid University of Latvia student ID to borrow or return books from the UL libraries during the specified working hours.
We invite the personnel and students of the University of Latvia to strictly comply with the recommendations of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Please, follow the University of Latvia governance orders, instructions and recommendations in connection with the information on security measures at the University of Latvia on the University of Latvia website and in your University of Latvia email.