Riga. Photo: (c) Pixabay.com.

In order to summarize and look through the first year of the project and to start plan next year activities, on 18th and 19th of December, 2019 there will be 7th meeting of the project MODEST (Modernization of Doctoral Education in Science and Improvement of Teaching Methodologies) partners held in Riga.

All project partners will evaluate the first year of the project and results of it. Also there will be planning of the next summer school activities, time and place. During the meeting the content of summer school  will be discussed. Moreover, there will be also discussions about reporting, finances and administrative issues.

MODEST is a three-year project which aims at modernization of doctoral education in science in partner countries. Wider project objective is to enhance cooperation capacities of Higher educational institutions of Partner Countries in the field of Doctoral Studies within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA).

The MODEST project aims to improve the quality of postgraduate studies in engineering by modernizing the curriculum, optimizing the work of postgraduate students, enhancing the supervision of their scientific research and increasing academic mobility.

To achieve the sustainable results, it is planned to develop web-platforms and virtual network environment using various approaches and information and communication methodologies.



Notikusi pirmā MODEST doktorantūras studentu tīklošanās sanāksme

Notikusi pirmā MODEST doktorantūras studentu tīklošanās sanāksme