The exhibition is a story of hundred years in student’s shoes, tracing the changes that have taken place in studying at the University of Latvia thoughout the century. It is a glimpse of past events and reveal students’ experiences in lectures and examinations, student corporations and groups, internships and fieldwork.
Visitors will have an opportunity to view photos of different periods and read stories about student life. The exhibition also presents student notes, contents of students’ briefcases and practice materials. Visitors can watch an animated video of how the University came about – from the idea of inception to the first great patrons, as well as video chronicles from the 1920 and 1945. At the end of the exhibition, everyone will be able to test their knowledge in the quiz and add their vision of the future of the University and higher education.
Everyone is welcome to view the exhibition by prior appointment, tel. 67034566 and e-mail: muzejs@lu.lv.