The exhibition showcases the work of 20 peatland researchers from three countries – Latvia, Finland, and Denmark – featuring four territories where peatland habitats are being restored, research is being conducted, and previously restored areas are being assessed. The project’s goal is to implement peatland restoration measures in degraded raised peatlands while demonstrating innovative tools and application methods for monitoring and evaluating climate change mitigation efforts.
Overall, the photo exhibition reflects seven territories. They include Cena Mire, Lielais Pelečāre Mire, Melnais Lake Mire, and Sudas-Zviedru Mire in Latvia, Matorovansuo and Väliuo peatlands in Finland, as well as Stenholt peatland in Denmark.
At the opening of the photo exhibition, UL Vice-Rector for Development, Enno Ence, expressed gratitude to the project team and highlighted one of the most important conclusions – Latvia’s natural environment offers unique opportunities for research, particularly in relation to peatland ecosystems: "Latvia has peatlands that can no longer be found elsewhere, and they provide not only valuable scientific opportunities but also challenges — in terms of both nature conservation and climate neutrality. For scientists and students, this is a great opportunity to explore an ecologically fragile yet locally and globally significant environment in depth."
Similarly, Kristaps Kunrads, Director of the UL Botanical Garden, expressed gratitude to the project team and collaboration partners, emphasizing that, while the work invested may not always be immediately visible in everyday life, it is highly valuable.
Kunrads explained that peatlands serve as habitats for numerous plant and animal species, forming a unique ecosystem in which humans could not exist without these species: "Your work helps protect this environment while also contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. You are safeguarding not only the peatlands but our planet as a whole."
He also pointed out that research in this field is a major challenge – it is not simply a walk through the forest among trees and shrubs. Identifying a specific plant species in this environment requires persistence and expertise.
At the opening of the photo exhibition, UL Botanical Garden’s Scientific Director, Signe Tomsone, emphasized that this event is not only significant in the context of science and research but also holds global importance both ecologically and economically: "Peatlands are unique climate-regulating systems – they function like giant sponges, absorbing and regulating water exchange in the environment. However, human activities, such as drainage, significantly alter this balance. Today, we increasingly see that droughts and forest loss are direct consequences of how we manage our environment."
She added that scientific research is crucial in understanding these complex processes, and UL has made substantial progress in this field by attracting funding and implementing long-term projects. She expressed special thanks to Māra Pakalne, the LIFE PeatCarbon project manager, whose efforts have convinced both the European Commission and public partners of the project's significance as a major contribution to Latvian science and environmental protection.
Following this, project leader Māra Pakalne introduced the process behind the creation of the photo exhibition, thanking the project team and emphasizing that both the exhibition and the project’s achievements are the result of many people’s dedicated efforts: "Researchers have embarked on expeditions at various times and under different conditions, often spending nights in peatlands to collect data. This work highlights not only the unique value of Latvia’s peatland ecosystems but also the experience of our collaboration partners in Finland, where research takes place under extreme conditions – such as in Lapland, where areas are covered in a meter of snow, and fieldwork is often conducted alongside reindeer."
She revealed that the main challenge in Latvia is the vast peatland areas – with difficult access and over 5 000 hectares requiring detailed study. This research not only showcases the beauty of peatlands but also provides valuable insights for long-term conservation and restoration efforts.
As displayed on the exhibition poster, the project's symbol is the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) – a plant that is very rare in Latvian peatlands but remains an essential part of the ecosystem in Finland.
“This symbol reminds us of the fragile balance of nature and the need to preserve these unique landscapes,” emphasized Pakalne.
At the conclusion, the awarding of the photo exhibition authors took place, followed by informal conversations, a tour of the exhibition, and an introduction to the project booklets, calendar, and book.
The photo exhibition will be on display on the 1st floor of the UL House of Nature until March 31, after which it will travel to various cities across Latvia till the end of the project.
The photo exhibition has been prepared within the UL LIFE PeatCarbon project. Read more about the LIFE PeatCarbon project.