Let's celebrate our progress together!



Official launch of the University of Latvia (UL) 100th Anniversary Year

  • 28.09.2018. 
  • UL Great Hall, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga

Concert in celebration of the Republic of Latvia Centenary (09.11.2018.)

  • 09.11.2018.
  • UL Great Hall, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga


House of Science Opening Ceremony at the UL Academic Centre

  • 28.01.2019.
  • UL Academic Centre, House of Science, Jelgavas iela 3, Riga

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The 77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia “State of Latvia and University of Latvia” plenary session (08.02.2019)

  • 08.02.2019.
  • UL Small Hall, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga


Council of the Baltic Sea States Baltic Sea Science Day (

  • 22.02.-23.02.2019.
  • UL Academic Centre, House of Nature, Jelgavas iela 1, Riga

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Meetup “90 Years of Sports at University of Latvia”

  • 22.03.2019.
  • UL Academic Centre, House of Science, Jelgavas iela 3, Riga

Exhibition “In a while 100: University of Latvia Sports, a Visual Testimony”

  • 22.03.2019.
  • UL Academic Centre, House of Science, Jelgavas iela 3, Riga

UTRECHT Network (European network of universities cooperating in internationalisation) seminar “Blended Staff Mobility”

  • 08.04.-11.04.2019.
  • UL, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga,

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UTRECHT Network (European network of universities cooperating in internationalisation) Annual General Meeting

  • 09.04.-10.04.2019.
  • UL, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga

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International scientific conference “Personality at the Crossroads of Cultures and Languages. The 150th Anniversary of Pēteris Šmits” supported by UNESCO

  • 25.04..-26.04.2019.
  • UL Great Hall, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga

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UL Centennial Traveling Exhibition “Contribution of Johann Christoph Brotze (17421823) to Local Studies of Latvia: Collection of Livonian Drawings and Descriptions at the Academic Library of the University of Latvia” and scientific readings

  • 16.04.-08.05.2019.
  • Bank of Latvia historical building, Andreja Pormaļa iela 11, Jēkabpils

LU Reģionālā konference

  • 10.05.2019.
  • Concert hall Lielais Dzintars (“Great Amber”), Liepāja

UL Centennial Traveling Exhibition “Contribution of Johann Christoph Brotze (17421823) to Local Studies of Latvia: Collection of Livonian Drawings and Descriptions at the Academic Library of the University of Latvia” and scientific readings

  • 09.05.-05.06.2019.
  • UL Kuldīga branch, Kalna iela 19, Kuldīga

Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN) seminar “Building Campus, Challenges and Practices

  • 15.-16.05.2019.
  • UL Academic Centre, House of Science, Jelgavas iela 3, Riga

Inauguration of the new premises for Centre of Social Pediatrics

  • 17.05.2019, 11.30
  • UL Academic Centre, Jelgavas iela 1 and 3, Riga

New Technology and Innovation Day

  • 17.05.2019.
  • UL Academic Centre, Houses of Nature and Science, Jelgavas iela 3, Riga

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ATEE Spring Conference 2019 

  • 07.06. - UL, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga
  • 08.06. - UL Academic Centre, House of Nature, Jelgavas iela 1, Riga

ATEE Spring Conference 2019, organised jointly by the University of Latvia and Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) will take place at the University of Latvia, Riga, June 78, 2019. This year’s topic is “Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education”.
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UL Centennial Traveling Exhibition “Contribution of Johann Christoph Brotze (17421823) to Local Studies of Latvia: Collection of Livonian Drawings and Descriptions at the Academic Library of the University of Latvia” and scientific readings

  • 07.06.-18.07.2019.
  • UL Bauska branch

Traveling exhibition and its opening events at UL branches with participation of local community and intellectuals (writers, poets, historians, educators, etc.) in collaboration with educational institutions.

UL Centennial Traveling Exhibition “Contribution of Johann Christoph Brotze (17421823) to Local Studies of Latvia: Collection of Livonian Drawings and Descriptions at the Academic Library of the University of Latvia” and scientific readings

  • 19.07.-23.08.2019.
  • UL Cēsis branch

Traveling exhibition and its opening events at UL branches with participation of local community and intellectuals (writers, poets, historians, educators, etc.) in collaboration with educational institutions.

UL Centennial Traveling Exhibition “Contribution of Johann Christoph Brotze (17421823) to Local Studies of Latvia: Collection of Livonian Drawings and Descriptions at the Academic Library of the University of Latvia” and scientific readings

  • 03.-29.09.2019.
  • UL Alūksne branch

Traveling exhibition and its opening events at UL branches with participation of local community and intellectuals (writers, poets, historians, educators, etc.) in collaboration with educational institutions.

Latvijas Universitātes simtgades ekskursijas Raiņa bulvārī (

  • 10.09.–25.09.2019.
  • Raiņa bulvāris 19

Ekskursijas maršrutā būs iespēja iepazīt vecāko augstskolas ēku Latvijā, valsts nozīmes arhitektūras pieminekli un vienu no Universitātes un arī Rīgas būtiskākajiem simboliem. Apskatei būs pieejamas LU monumentālās telpas – Lielā aula, kas atklāta un iesvētīta LU 16 gadu jubilejā, un Mazā aula, kur notika svinīgais LU dibināšanas akts 1919. gada 28. septembrī, kā arī leģendārais Studentu karceris, kas glabā autentiskās liecības par studentu dzīvi 19. gs. beigās un 20. gs. sākumā. Ekskursijas notiks otrdienās un trešdienās plkst. 11.00 un 16.00 no 10. līdz 25. septembrim latviešu valodā. Ekskursijas ilgums 45–50 min. Pieteikšanās ekskursijām. LU Muzejs nodrošina ekskursijas grupām arī citā laikā latviešu, angļu, vācu un krievu valodā. Vairāk informācijas par LU simtgades ekskursijām iespējams iegūt, zvanot pa tālruni 67 034 566, rakstot uz e-pastu muzejs@lu.lv vai sazinoties ar LU Muzeju facebook.com lapā.

Vairāk par LU Muzeja aktivitātēm.

LU simtgades izstādes "Mūsu Alma Mater  fakti, notikumi, atmiņas" atklāšana

  • 13.09.2019. plkst. 17.00
  • LU Akadēmiskā bibliotēka, Rūpniecības iela 10, Rīga
  • Izstādē būs skatāmi maz zināmi materiāli no LU Akadēmiskās bibliotēkas krājuma

Tautas lietišķās mākslas studiju “Vāpe” izstādes “Sveicam, Alma Mater” atklāšana

  • 25.09.2019. plkst. 17.00
  • LU Bibliotēka, Kalpaka bulvāris 4
  • Izstāde būs apskatāma līdz 2019. gada 27. decembrim

Opening of the book Filantropijas stāsti (“Philanthropy Stories”)

  • 20.09.2019, 15.00
  • K. Morberga apartment,  Meierovica bulvārī 12, Riga

Celebrating the 175th anniversary of the University of Latvia grand patron, Kristaps Morbergs (1844–1928), the book "Philanthropy Stories" will be published under the auspices of the UL Foundation to proudly acknowledge the invaluable support of patrons in the continuous development of the UL throughout a century. The publication will summarize the most significant facts about the major patrons who have provided generous financial, material and informational support to education, science, art, sports and culture since establishment of the UL.

Presentation of the UL anniversary publications and opening of exhibition

  • 27.09.2019., 10:00
  • UL Great Hall, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga

The event will celebrate the presentation of the UL anniversary publication and opening of an exhibition dedicated to the history of the UL, university leadership and life in the field of studies and science, as well as the relations between the university, society and state through different political eras.


Doctorate degree ceremony

  • 27.09.2019, 12.00
  • LU Great Hall, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga

The University of Latvia (UL) has a tradition of honoring the recipients of doctorate of sciences in the Doctorate degree ceremony, awarding  the UL honorary marks of distinction: an attestation, a doctor's scarf and a doctor's silver badge.

UL Centenary postage stamp presentation

  • 27.09.2019, 14:00
  • UL Small Hall, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga

The University of Latvia anniversary will be honoured by issue of a special UL centenary postage stamp.

Researchers’ Night

  • 27.09.2019, 19.00
  • House of Nature (Jelgavas street 1), House of Science (Jelgavas street 3)

The Researchers’ Night is an event dedicated to explaining and promoting of science achievements in Latvia in captivating way, as well as allowing the general public to look into the secrets of scientific laboratories. The large screens will broadcast the programme of anniversary concert “CARPE NOCTEM”


Latvijas Universitātes Gadsimta nakts “CARPE NOCTEM”

  • 27.09.2019, 19.00
  • Arena Riga, Skanstes iela 21, Riga

Concert performance dedicated to 100 years of the UL with the University’s amateur stage art collectives, as well as special guests – Aija Vītoliņa, Ance Krauze, Marija Naumova, Daumants Kalniņš, Zigfrīds Muktupāvels, Jānis Aišpurs, Intars Busulis and “Abonementa orķestris” as well as the band “Labvēlīgais tips”. Everyone who feels affiliation with the University of Latvia and its values is invited to the celebration!
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UL Centenary Ecumenical Service at the Riga Cathedral (Rīgas Doms)

  • 29.09.2019.

The Riga Cathedral (Rīgas Doms) will celebrate the annual ecumenical service, this year to be held in honour of the University of Latvia centenary.

Ceremonial meeting of the UL Senate

  • 30.09.2019. Plkst.10.00
  • LU Great Hall, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga

SThe ceremonial meeting of the UL Senate will be opened with address of the President of the Senate and the Acting Rector, and the event will praise the University of Latvia Honorary Doctors, Honorary Members and Professors Emeriti.

International symposium “University and Society: Renewed Focus on National Growth and Values”

  • 30.09.2019. Plkst.13.00
  • UL Great Hall, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga

The aim of the symposium is to show the essential role of the first national institution in establishing the statehood of Latvia. The symposium will bring together the friends from European universitie, which also celebrate their centenaries in 2019, as well as guests from other countries. The symposium will provide an opportunity that will be shared with cooperation partners to define the role of universities in shaping the national and societal value system, to discuss the development of research, innovation and educational capacity, to strengthen the role of university networks in Europe.

Concert in celebration of University of Latvia Centenary at Latvian National Opera and Ballet Theatre

  • 30.09.2019. Plkst.19.00
  • Latvian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, Aspazijas bulvāris 3, Riga

Maestro R. Pauls, National Academic Choir "Latvia", Latvian National Symphony Orchestra conducted by M. Sirmais and other stars in a special concert programme dedicated to the the University of Latvia anniversary. Director of the event – Reinis Suhanovs.

Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) Rectors Seminar “Role of Social Sciences and Humanities in Innovation”

  • 01.10.2019.
  • UL Academic Centre, Jelgavas iela 3, 1, Riga

The tradition established by the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) is to hold the rector conferences at one of the partner universities, and the 2019 Conference “Role of Social Sciences and Humanities in Innovation” will honour the University of Latvia centenary and will be held as a continuation of an international symposium “University and Society: Renewed Focus on National Growth and Values”.

UL Centennial Traveling Exhibition “Contribution of Johann Christoph Brotze (17421823) to Local Studies of Latvia: Collection of Livonian Drawings and Descriptions at the Academic Library of the University of Latvia” and scientific readings

  • 15.10.-13.11.2019.
  • UL Madona branch

Traveling exhibition and its opening events at UL branches with participation of local community and intellectuals (writers, poets, historians, educators, etc.) in collaboration with educational institutions.


UL Faculty of Law 7th International Scientific Conference “Legal Science: Functions, Significance and Future in Legal Systems”

  • 16.-18.10.2019.

This year, the UL Faculty of Law International Scientific Conference is planned in the context of the centenary of the Faculty’s foundation, both marking the significant anniversary of the Latvian legal science studies and research centre and confirming its contribution to establishment, development and renewal of the national legal system of the state.
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Exhibition marking the centenary of Education, Arts and Science Institutes in Latvia “Latvian Culture Alphabet” 

  • 21.-28.10.2019.
  • The main lobby of UNESCO headquarters, Paris, France

Audiovisual installation LATVIAN CULTURE ALPHABET to celebrate the centenary of 7 Latvian national institutions – the National Theatre, the Art Academy, the Academy of Music, the National Archives, the University of Latvia, the National Library and the Latvian Opera and Ballet Theatre in the UNESCO calendar.

UL Centennial Traveling Exhibition “Contribution of Johann Christoph Brotze (17421823) to Local Studies of Latvia: Collection of Livonian Drawings and Descriptions at the Academic Library of the University of Latvia” and scientific readings.

  • 15.11.-20.12.2019
  • UL Tukums branch

Traveling exhibition and its opening events at UL branches with participation of local community and intellectuals (writers, poets, historians, educators, etc.) in collaboration with educational institutions.

Exhibition "Latvijas kultūras alfabēts" (“Latvian Alphabet of Culture”) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Latvian National Institutions for Culture, Education and Science.

The exhibition will be open from November 25 to December 17, 2017 at the University of Latvia Academic Centre, House of Nature of the of the, Jelgavas iela 1, Riga.

The exhibition "Latvijas kultūras alfabēts" (“Latvian Alphabet of Culture”) was created as a joint anniversary project to celebrate the centenary of the University of Latvia, the National Theatre, the Art Academy of Latvia, the Latvian Academy of Music, the National Archives, the National Library and the Latvian National Opera and Ballet in the UNESCO calendar. The exhibition is designed as an audiovisual installation with several objects dedicated to the achievements and personalities of each institution.

The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Latvian State Centenary programme.