Director of the Institute of Astronomy

Mg. phys. Kalvis Salmiņš
Director of the Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy

Mg. oec. Inga Šīrante
Director of the Institute of Biology

Līga Jankevica
Director of the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Ingus Mitrofanovs
Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

Prof. Maija Kūle
Director of the Institute of Physics

Assoc. prof. Leonīds Buligins
Director of the Institute of Cardiology and Regenerative Medicine
Prof. Andrejs Ērglis
Director of the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine

Prof. Mārcis Leja
Director of the Institute of Chemical Physics

Signe Laimiņa-Koka
Director of the Latvian Language Institute
Director of the Institute of History of Latvia

Dr. hist., prof. Gvido Straube
Director of the Institute for Mechanics of Materials

Dr. sc. ing. Egils Plūme
Director of the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Armands Vīgants
Director of the International Institute of Indic Studies