On 25 September 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted the resolution “Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, or Agenda 2030. It outlines the joint actions to be taken at the global level to move towards the eradication of poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030. It defines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets to be achieved in order to reduce global poverty and make its development sustainable. The goals take account of the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and ecological – in a balanced way and aim to end poverty, fight against inequality, tackle climate change, and build peaceful societies that respect human rights.
Along with the COVID-19 pandemic, the suffering of the world’s people has increased, the global economy has been destabilized, affecting the standard of living of the world’s population. The UN website emphasizes that the COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call to pay greater attention to the failures of humanity’s actions so far, which are indicated both in the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
It is at this moment that it is imperative to define and fulfil Sustainable Development Goals to help economic recovery, make the environment greener, as well as unite and involve society in achievement of these goals.
“We need to turn the recovery into a real opportunity to do things right for the future.” - UN Secretary-General António Guterres
(Source: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sdgs-framework-for-covid-19-recovery/)
In 2021, University of Latvia researchers have developed the UN Sustainable Development Model Localising Tool.
Sustainable development is a fundamental condition, which impacts the University of Latvia in all its operational dimensions – education, research, organizational development and external contacts. Education ensures the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences for students, enabling them to solve problems, taking into account the context of sustainable development. Science-based research is critical to understanding of the known challenges, as well as the uncharted future problems.
The university promotes interdisciplinary research and education focused on knowledge and sustainable solutions, while the sustainable development in society is promoted by ensuring the accessibility and visibility of research. UL researchers consistently work and participate in projects to develop new, non-standard and interdisciplinary solutions to problems. UL uses its capabilities to create cooperation, to foster and build network amongst the wide range of stakeholders (state, municipalities, private companies, NGOs, etc.). To achieve the defined sustainable development goals, it is essential to strengthen cooperation between the parties and to work proactively. The strategy of sustainable development is incorporated in all the activities of the university, applying different forms of implementation depending on the study programme, research field, and other aspects.

The University of Latvia conducts its activities in accordance with the legislation: Law on Higher Education Institutions, Labour Law, Regulations Regarding Remuneration, Social Policy of the University of Latvia and UL values, ensuring that all employees and students of UL have the same rights. UL offers a wide range of scholarships for socially disadvantaged students. UL trade unions are consistently working to provide assistance to the seniors.
At the national level, adequate social protection for all and the measures thereof must be implemented, including ensuring a minimum income level. By 2030, the social protection system must encompass the population with the lowest income and the vulnerable residents.
1. Social programme for student service hotels
The University of Latvia Student Council in cooperation with the University of Latvia Infrastructure Management Department implements the Social Programme, which has been established with the aim of supporting the University of Latvia students in need of social assistance, offering the students living in service hotels up to a 50% lodging fee discount.
The lodging fee discount for one semester applications are open to the full-time UL students of bachelor’s or master’s study programme living in one of the UL service hotels, and currently in need of financial support.
2. Scholarships
UL awards state budgetary grants in accordance with the UL regulations on the awarding of state budgetary grants, where the criteria for socially disadvantaged students are indicated in point 8.
The UL Foundation awards targeted scholarships funded by the patrons.
The University of Latvia is one of the first higher education institutions in the Baltics to offer high-level athletes the opportunity to obtain higher education combining it with an athlete’s career, offering dual career scholarships.
Dual sports career guidelines and manual were developed in 2021.
3. Remuneration
In accordance with the University of Latvia general staff remuneration regulations, UL ensures fairness within the organization by setting comparable and balanced salaries for positions of the same level.
Food security and improved nutrition, promoting sustainable agriculture

2.1. To advance studies and research in nutrition science and related fields. To contribute to the development of bioeconomy and sustainable agriculture in Latvia.
2.2. To develop policies and procedures for healthy and sustainable food/catering practices at the University of Latvia and nationwide, as well as promote knowledge in food safety issues.
2.3. To contribute to the creation of a sustainable food production system in Latvia and sustainable agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, help preserve ecosystems, minimally impact climate change (minimize GHG emissions) and strengthen the ability to adapt to climate change, extreme weather, drought, floods and other natural disasters, as well as gradually improve the quality of land and soil.
2.4 To increase investment, including measures like improving international cooperation for expanding bioeconomy and agricultural scientific research, technology development, operation of plant and farm animal genebanks to improve agricultural production capacity.
2.5. To support low-income students, ensuring provision of healthy food.
In 2021, the IT program Good Mood Food was developed, enabling the users to choose healthier products, thereby reducing expenses and saving time.

The University of Latvia encompasses the Faculty of Medicine and four medical colleges. The lecturers of the faculty are leading health care specialists in Latvia and Europe. UL scientists are involved in evaluating and mitigating public health risks. UL provides students and employees with psychological counselling in case of study problems, as well as personal issues. This has been are especially important in the conditions of COVID-19.
The UL Sports Centre vigorously promotes involvement of students and employees in physical activities.
To ensure a healthy lifestyle of the UL community, reducing health risks
3.1. To contribute to promoting a healthy lifestyle that supports the environmental quality and mitigates climate change, creating opportunities for the University of Latvia community to practice it.
The goals defined in Strategy 2021–2027 approved by the University of Latvia include promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle. To continue to promote physical activities among students and employees and to build dual career studies, in the next few years Sports House is to be constructed in the territory of the UL Academic Centre in Pārdaugava.
3.2. To advance medical studies and research in Latvia. To support scientific research and development of vaccines and medicinal products.
UL researchers actively participate in the study of the COVID-19 virus, publishing the report concerning COVID-19 seroprevalence study in the Latvian population.
3.3. To strengthen Latvia’s readiness in mitigating health risks. To bolster national capacity for early warning, risk reduction and health risk management.
The research of ischemic stroke will help develop more effective therapies and treatments.
Panel discussion “Science against COVID-19”.
3.4. To actively advocate against substance abuse, including drug and alcohol abuse.
3.5. To further cooperation with health protection institutions, to participate in national working groups in the fields of health protection and public health.
3.6. To provide support to students and employees in the field of health protection, including the support in the spheres of mental health, sexual health, etc.
3.7. To ensure a smoking ban in the entire territory of the University of Latvia.
3.8. To provide access to sports (physical) activities for safeguarding the health of students and employees.
The students of Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art are invited to participate in the activities of the project “Start now!”
6 reasons to start your morning with exercise
3.9. Implement health and public health education programmes available to the public, including in continuing education.
Conference “Promoting Mental Health in Schools”

The mission formulated in the University of Latvia Strategy 2020–2027 states that
the University of Latvia contributes to the global science, higher education, knowledge, technology transfer and innovation, and ensures the growth of Latvian democracy and culture, the development of the Latvian language and the prosperity of the national economy. Quality education constitutes the foundation of the university to ensure sustainable development.
To ensure inclusive and high-quality education and research
4.1. By 2027, to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including through education about sustainable development and lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promoting a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, as well as creating awareness of cultural diversity and contribution of culture to sustainable development.
Nordic Religious Education Conference
Influence of the level of civic education on values and security: Comparing situation in Latvia with democratic countries of Baltic Sea region
4.2. To develop teaching and study materials for promoting sustainable development of education in Latvia. To advance the development of education in Latvia for resource conservation, nature protection, climate-neutral development, circular economy and other educational directions that contribute to sustainable development.
Science, mathematics, engineering and technology conference 2021
4.3. To contribute to the research of development of Latvia. studying the spheres of productive capacity, innovative activities – simultaneously in the fields of climate and nature protection, as well as social sphere, thereby forming the science of sustainable development as a priority research direction of UL. To participate in Latvia’s development planning and analysis process, to inform legislators, the executive institutions and public about current research findings.
UL researchers actively participate in the project “Towards Sustainable Development and Inclusive Society in Latvia: Response to Demographic and Migration Challenges”
4.4. By 2027, to significantly increase the number of young people and adults who have suitable professional skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.
4.5. By 2027, to eliminate the gender gap in education and ensure equal access to education at the university for vulnerable populations, including persons with disabilities.
In 2021, the Chair of Physics Education Research at the UL Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry organized an experience exchange seminar “Uneven Road to Gender Equality –Underrepresentation of Girls in STEM and Promoting Involvement”
4.6. Create instruments to support students from developing countries.
4.7. To increase the number of lifelong learning programmes and public access to them. UL invests great efforts in lifelong learning. The newly established Department of Lifelong Education coordinates the entire offer of the continuing education courses at the university.

The University of Latvia resolutely advocates gender equality in work and research. Gender equality is observed at the University of Latvia both in administration and research. In 2021, 72.25% of all students at UL were female. The largest number of women study in part-time studies, 86.22%. As of 1 October 2022, the female students at UL constitute 72.1% of the student population, while of the part-time students 87.06% are female.
In 2021, 68% of university administration staff were female, while the female academic staff constituted 54%. Out of 13 faculty deans, 8 are women.
The project “Religion and Gender Equality: Baltic and Nordic Developments” implemented by the UL Faculty of Theology will significantly contribute to the promotion of social inclusion, addressing the lack of gender equality in various spheres of life, with special attention to religion and culture.
To achieve gender equality and ensure equal opportunities for all women
5.1. For the University of Latvia to become an example in preventing every form of discrimination against women.
5.2. To ensure full and effective participation of women and equal opportunities to assume leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.
5.3. Increase the use of basic technology, especially information and communication technology, to promote true empowerment of women.
Experience Exchange Workshop on Promoting Girls’ Excellence in STEM
5.4. Adopt and strengthen well-considered policies and enforceable laws and regulations to promote gender equality at all levels.

The University of Latvia is an ecologically conscious university that holds attractive, sustainable university environment in high regard. Clean water, reduction of water consumption, public education and research on the availability and use of water resources are the goals voiced in UL sustainable development strategy to preserve the natural resources for future generations.
Teaching season at Environmental Academy
Integrated management of groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the transboundary area of Gauja-Koiva river basin
Water availability, quality and sustainable management
6.1 To reduce water consumption at the University of Latvia, prevent inefficient use and waste of water. To promote sustainable use practices of water resources. To support and strengthen public participation in improving water management and governance.
6.2. To develop research dedicated to water resources and sustainable management thereof, to offer studies dedicated to the protection and management of water resources.
6.3 By 2030, to expand international cooperation in the field of water resource management.
6.4. To plan and develop rules for the rainwater use in maintenance of the UL Academic Centre, as well as in other UL properties.
6.5. To develop programmes for free drinking water at UL properties.

The University of Latvia is an ecologically conscious university that holds attractive, sustainable university environment in high regard.
Available and renewable energy is addressed by several UL researchers. Projects that have a bearing upon the use of renewable energy technology are implemented during the construction process of the UL Academic Centre. LU scientists are involved in the project “Development, Optimization and Sustainability Research – Smart Solutions for Almost Zero Energy Buildings Under Real Climate Conditions”. The UL Botanical Garden showcases the experiment of the UL Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry dedicated to the energy efficiency and sustainability of building structures and heating/cooling systems in the climatic conditions of Latvia.
Renewable energy
7.1. To implement measures that promote and increase the use of renewable energy technologies in UL buildings and vehicles.
Solar vehicle competition “Solar Cup”
UL Day of Green Thinkers
7.2 To support public participation in the implementation of renewable energy resource technologies.
7.3 To develop research and study offer concerning the principles of renewable energy resource technologies based in natural sciences and the socio-economic factors of their implementation.
7.4 By 2030, to expand international cooperation in the field of renewable resource technologies.
7.5. To develop policies and procedures for efficient use of electricity at UL properties.

The University of Latvia will create sustainable values and promote the well-being of society by ensuring the successful transfer of know-how and technology. UL provides decent work that contributes to the economic growth of the state, society and every member of society. UL has developed a quality policy and standards of conduct.
To promote consistent, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment
8.1. To advance studies and research for promoting economic growth in Latvia.
8.2. To promote the achievement of higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including a focus on high value-added and labour-intensive sectors.
8.3. To promote development-oriented policies that support production, job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, as well as creation and growth of micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in the fields of green and climate-neutral technologies.
8.4. To promote sustainable consumption and production. To contribute to the efficiency of consumption and production resources, disentangling economic growth from environmental degradation.
8.5. To develop policies and procedures for employment practices free from discrimination, fair treatment and remuneration, gender equality and opportunities for the defence of employee rights.
Professor Inna Šteinbuka: How to achieve economic recovery?
The study “Remote Work as an Opportunity to Attract Human Capital for Development of Latvia”
Green Days at UL

The University of Latvia is a home to UL Student Business Incubator, which was founded in 2011. The purpose of its operation is to provide support and promote the interest of UL students in starting and developing businesses, building business teams. Business ideas also concern the development of sustainable and lasting infrastructure, promotion of inclusive and sustainable industrialization in the country as a whole. UL plans to create academic centres of excellency that will promote the quality of studies and research, expand the availability of infrastructure. UL has established a Technology Transfer Centre, which is involved in the development of new, innovative projects for cooperation with industry.
Airports for innovation
The development project of the UL Academic Centre receives support for CEB funding
To build sustainable infrastructure and promote innovation
9.1. To develop a high-quality, reliable, sustainable and lasting infrastructure of the University of Latvia, dedicating particular attention to ensuring affordable and fair access for all.
9.2. To advance scientific research, to improve the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, and especially in developing countries, promoting innovation, and by 2030 significantly increasing the number of people employed in the field of research and development. To ensure public and private spending on research and development.
9.3. To support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by providing a favourable policy environment for industrial diversification and increased value-added of goods.
Activities conducted by Student Business Incubator are constantly taking place at UL, fostering new technologies and innovative solutions.
Student business opportunity festival “ICEBREAKERS” organized by the UL Student Business Incubator
9.4. To significantly increase access to information and communication technologies and aim for universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2027.
UL will provide fast and accessible internet in all buildings, equip offices and laboratories with the latest and most modern technologies. Ensuring computer security and education is a part of the university’s daily operations.
Along with the entire world, UL celebrates Cyber Monday and International Computer Security Day.
UL organizes annual New Technologies and Innovations Days.
9.5. To support the creation of start-ups that meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

Concerning contribution to society, the paragraph 3.2.3 of the University of Latvia Strategy 2020–2027 contains the aim to ensure compliance with the principles of gender equality in education and promote equal access to education for vulnerable population groups, while paragraph 3.2.4 defines the aim to create support tools for talented underprivileged youth for accessing university studies".
UL has approved the Social Policy aimed at the social protection of the UL community. The social policy ensures and promotes the social, economic and political inclusion of all UL employees, academic staff and students, regardless of age, gender, health condition, race, ethnicity, origin, faith, economic or other status.
The University of Latvia Student Council, in cooperation with the University of Latvia Infrastructure Management Department implements the Social Programme, which was created to support the University of Latvia students, offering the students living in service hotels up to a 50% lodging fee discount.

The University of Latvia Strategy 2020–2027 defines the direction towards sustainable management and climate-neutral university, which stipulates ensuring the sustainability of investments and infrastructure, reducing the adverse impact of the university on the environment, ascertaining the sustainable use of resources. The university will develop environmentally friendly infrastructure according to the “green university” concept.
The new UL Academic Centre is located outside the city centre, in the green suburb of Torņakalns. The university safeguards the environment, accommodates its own Botanical Garden, founded in 1922, and the rhododendron breeding and experimental nursery “Babīte”, which are open to the public. Exhibitions, events, excursions take place in the Botanical Garden. The UL infrastructure is available to Riga residents and guests of the city, including the UL Museum with the historical student confinement cell, museum collections, and the Astronomical tower at Raiņa bulvāris 19.
UL Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art studies national cultural heritage to preserve it for future generations. The university cultivates active cultural and sports life, which is concentrated in the UL Culture and UL Sports Centres.
The university is a home to 10 choirs, 3 dance collectives and many other interest groups.
UL teams in volleyball, basketball, floorball, football, and others operate under the auspices of the UL Sports Centre.
During COVID-19 pandemic, the university successfully adapted for remote work and lectures.
The idea forum dedicated to the 102nd anniversary of the University of Latvia “Aspiring to Excellence: Development of a Modern University” was held in 2021.
UL scientists are actively involved in various projects, such as “DemoMig” and discussions about the Green Deal and sustainable development
UL also participates in other events, such as the autumn school-hackathon “Cooperation for Smart and Sustainable Territorial Development”
To make cities and communities of Latvia inclusive, safe, adaptable and sustainable
11.1. To promote environmentally friendly development of the University of Latvia premises in accordance with the “green university” concept.
11.2. By 2027, to ensure availability of safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport.
11.3. To protect and safeguard cultural and natural heritage, to support the UL amateur art collectives and exploration of cultural heritage.
11.4. By 2030, to reduce the adverse environmental impact of university properties, paying special attention to reducing GHG emissions, air quality, promoting circular economy, household and other waste management.
11.5. To contribute to planning of national and regional development, to establish cooperation with the local governments, where premises of the UL have been established.
11.6. To support public accessibility of the resources at the disposal of UL – museums, libraries, collections, etc.
11.7. To promote the development of the Academic Centre by ensuring “green thinking” therein, including promotion of bicycle use in the pedestrian territory, establishing footpaths, as well as ensuring the access to the Academic Centre by means of transport with the least negative impact on the environment.
11.8. To develop infrastructure and technologies while providing opportunities for remote work.

The University of Latvia Strategy 2020–2027 formulates the direction towards sustainable management and a climate-neutral university, promoting sustainable consumption habits within the university community by means of responsible consumption of available resources and green solutions, as well as waste sorting.
Household waste can be a resource that can be recycled, and moreover – processed into high-quality raw materials for the energy and chemical industry. UL researchers have developed a device for obtaining synthesis gas from a mixture of plastic, wood, paper and various biomass.
These topics are examined and discussed in several of the 2 400 sections at the annual international conference of the University of Latvia. In 2020, UL hosted the 3rd international conference “Nutrition and Health”.
The international conference “Ekobalt” organized by the Faculty of Chemistry was held In October 2021, dedicated to environmental education, food safety, “green” chemistry and other important topics.
ZOOM seminar “Modelling and Analysis of the Economic Impact of Climate Goals”
Students of the University of Latvia participated in the international online human resource development course “Towards Sustainable Development Goals, Learning from Japanese and Eurasian UNESCO Biosphere Reserves”
To ensure sustainable consumption habits
12.1. To ensure sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources by 2030.
12.2. To reduce the amount of food waste by 2030.
12.3. By 2027, to ensure the management of chemical substances and all types of waste in an environmentally safe way throughout their life cycle, and significantly reduce the release of such substances and waste into the air, water and soil, thus minimizing their adverse effects on human health and the environment.
12.4. By 2030, to significantly reduce the amount of generated waste by implementing waste prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse measures.
12.5. To encourage companies, especially large and multinational companies, to implement sustainable practices and include sustainability information in their reporting cycle.
12.6. To promote sustainable public procurement practices.
12.7. By 2030, to ensure that Latvian residents have relevant information and understanding about sustainable development and lifestyle in integrity with nature.
12.8. To support developing countries in strengthening their research and technological capacity for reorienting towards more sustainable consumption and production models.

The University of Latvia Strategy 2020–2027 formulates the direction towards sustainable management and a climate-neutral university. The scientists of the UL Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences have been involved in an international research project in the Svalbard archipelago to study glaciers and the effects of environmental pollution on them, while other UL researchers conduct research on climatic extremes and their impact on the key species in agriculture and forestry.
Scientific seminars are regularly held at the UL Academic Centre, such as seminars dedicated to applied research “Towards almost zero energy buildings”, “Modelling and analysis of the economic impact of climate goals”.
UL Institute of Chemical Physics is involved in the project “Topological Insulator Nanoelectromechanical Current Control Devices for Applications at Cryogenic Temperatures”.
The topic of climate control is regularly discussed in the classes of the UL School of Young Physicists, and in online lectures for Latvian secondary school students.
The UL Laboratory for Mathematical Modeling of Environment and Technological Processes has created the website “Present the present” (FimarWeb) www.water.lv/fimarweb, where everyone can follow the alterations taking place in the two proximate days (hourly) in the Baltic Sea: the surface current speed, wind direction, wave height, water surface and air temperatures, ice thickness, water level, salinity.
To take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact
13.1. To strengthen preparedness and resilience to climate-related hazards, natural disasters and the ability to adapt to them.
“Spatiotemporal Prediction of Groundwater Drought with Mixed Models in a Multilayer Sedimentation Basin Under Climate Change (GURU)”
13.2. To improve education, awareness and capacity in the areas of climate change mitigation, adaptation, mitigation and early warning. The Faculty of Theology also focuses on climate crisis issues, holding a think tank “How can theology help save the world?” the UL Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences provides additional materials for the teachers of Latvia on environmental and climate issues.
13.3. To implement systematic measures to reduce GHG emissions created by the University of Latvia (arising from UL), ensuring efficient use of energy and decarbonization of consumed energy. The measures include ensuring the management of energy resources/optimal use of energy, introducing energy-efficient technologies and increasing the energy efficiency of UL buildings, employing renewable resource technologies in UL buildings and vehicles.
13.4. To advance the research and study offer on climate-neutral development and its management, especially on natural scientific basis and socio-economic principles. The Department of Physical Geography at the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences provides versatile and high-quality education and research.
13.5. To proactively engage in the planning implemented by state institutions by offering expertise and knowledge.

The University of Latvia contributes to safeguarding environment, including reduction of water pollution, and reseaches the consequences of pollution and the impact of people on the environment in general. The Environment Academy operates under the auspices of the UL Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, where UL scientists give public lectures.
The 78th international conference of UL in 2020 included the section “Hydrogeology and groundwater dependent ecosystems”, where the experts from Latvia and Estonia presented the research results of the “GroundEco” project of the EU Estonia-Latvia cross-border cooperation programme.
The main goal of the project “Joint management of groundwater dependent ecosystems in transboundary Gauja-Koiva river basin” (GroundEco) has been to promote sustainable management of joint groundwater resources and related ecosystems in the transboundary Gauja-Koiva river basin. The goal is achieved by (1) developing a unified methodology for the identification and assessment of surface ecosystems dependent on groundwater, (2) implementing and testing it in pilot areas in Estonia and Latvia, in close cooperation with project partners, and (3) raising public awareness of the protection of groundwater and related ecosystems meaning.
In mid-August of 2021, Laura Grīnberga, a researcher at the Laboratory of Hydrobiology of the UL Institute of Biology, discovered an aquatic plant species new to Latvia – Caldesia parnassifolia, while surveying the lakes on the border between Latvia and Lithuania.
- 2020–2023 is the implementation period for the project financed by European Maritime and Fisheries Fund “Testing of microalgae cultivation in closed aquaculture systems and evaluation of their effectiveness in fish feed”.
- The UL Laboratory for Mathematical Modeling of Environment and Technological Processes has created the website “Present the present” (FimarWeb) www.water.lv/fimarweb, where everyone can follow the alterations taking place in the two proximate days (hourly) in the Baltic Sea: the surface current speed, wind direction, wave height, water surface and air temperatures, ice thickness, water level, salinity.
- In 2021, UL scientists participated in the COST action CA 20106 “SeaWheat” – “Tomorrow's “wheat of the sea”: ULVA, a Model for Innovative Mariculture”, combining interdisciplinary approaches for sustainable use of marine resources, covering all aspects of ULVA biology, ecology, aquaculture, engineering, as well as the perspectives of economic and social sciences.
- Researchers Jānis Karušs, Kristaps Lamsters and Māris Krievāns from the UL Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences travelled to Antarctica to study the shape and structure of glaciers. During the expedition they also managed to find hitherto unknown bacteriophages.
- The project “Testing of microalgae cultivation in closed aquaculture systems and evaluation of their effectiveness in fish feed” (No. 20-00-F02201-000001) is implemented within the framework of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) measure 22.01 “Innovation”.

The University of Latvia purposefully develops ecosystem services, the research and education for protection of biodiversity. UL scientists and doctoral students participate in international projects to study and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.
UL doctoral school organized the international symposium “Problems in Biodiversity Conservation in the Baltic Forests and Possible Solutions”.
LU implements 11 projects supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, including:
Development and testing of a microalgae-derived plant growth stimulator and antimicrobial agent prototype for autumn raspberries;
Autonomous robotic platform Latvijas iDārzs – for sustainable development of the plant breeding industry;
Development of sea buckthorn seed oil extraction technology using supercritical CO2 extraction;
Development of biotechnology competence for obtaining high-value horticultural products;
UL Botanical Garden is involved in several projects
To protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, to stop the loss of biodiversity
On 26 November 2020, the University of Latvia signed a cooperation agreement with the Nature Conservation Agency, establishing partnership for implementing LIFE integrated project “Optimising the Governance and Management of the Natura 2000 Protected Areas Network in Latvia” (LIFE-IP LatViaNature, LIFE19 IPE/LV/000010). Its goal is to improve the nature protection system in Latvia in order to safeguard habitats and species of European Union interest.
In 2021, a sociological survey was conducted within the framework of the LIFE project “Life for Species” with the aim of ascertaining the awareness of Latvian society about species protection.
15.1. To advance ecosystem services, biodiversity protection, research and education field.
15.2. To make a significant contribution to the protection of Latvia’s biodiversity.
15.3. To introduce policies and procedures to ensure the use of local organic food.
15.4. To develop study programmes, modules, courses, including those in continuing education, dedicated to the issues of ecology and ecosystems.

24 February 2022 saw emergence of a new geopolitical situation that disrupted peace on a global scale. UL strongly advocates world peace, supporting Ukrainian students and researchers.
The University of Latvia Strategy 2020–2027 formulates the direction towards sustainable governance, ensuring continuous improvement of the quality management system, including implementing integrated strategic management, risk management and process management. The leadership of UL follows the principles of good governance, involving students and employees in higher decision-making institutions, such as the UL Senate and its commissions.
Student self-governments are active in the UL faculties, nominating their candidates for election to the UL Student Council (ULSC). ULSC is an independent, collegial institution elected for the term of one year to represent the rights and interests of students at the University of Latvia. Representatives are elected from all student self-governments of 13 faculties, making up the Council, the highest decision-making body of ULSC.
UL ensures compliance with the principles of academic honesty and ethics in the study and research process, including introduction of a unified content originality check system.
The UL portal, section “About us”, subsection “Documents” contains the UL annual reports.
UL has developed and published a series of documents that demonstrate the principles of good management and governance at UL, such as the Regulations for Academic Integrity at the University of Latvia
To strengthen peace, justice and strong institutions
16.1. To develop a policy to ensure the involvement of various staff groups and social partners in decision-making in various levels of administrative institutions. Cooperation agreements are concluded with various non-governmental organizations, student council and trade unions.
16.2. To activate the participation of UL employees in the provision of expertise to state institutions in matters pertaining to Sustainability Development Goals.
16.3. To actively engage in the implementation of anti-corruption measures, to develop rules and procedures to reduce the risks of corruption.
16.4. The University of Latvia offers a neutral (independent) platform for discussions of sustainability development issues with the involvement of state institutions, non-governmental organizations and entrepreneurs.
16.5. UL offers educational programmes for the public on the issues pertaining to Sustainability Development Goals, which are oriented towards the decision-making power, the executive power and the general public (including entrepreneurs).
16.6. UL takes responsibility for its actions, providing public information about all the main indicators characterizing its operations, including financial indicators.

Since October 2020, the national research programme “High Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies” established by the Ministry of Education and Science, RTU, UL and the UL Institute of Solid State Physics have been implementing the project “Top quark and Higgs physics at the CMS experiment, development of crystal scintillator detectors and sub-detectors of the CMS detector, and the development of particle accelerator technologies for societal applications in collaboration with CERN”.
In 2021, the innovation camp “Smart-up Baltic Sea Region” was held at the UL House of Science. Furthermore, a project in cooperation with the global development and education organization IREX on media literacy for both students and the public was successfully concluded.
UL has concluded 227 bilateral cooperation agreements with higher education institutions in 51 countries. Institutional agreements for bilateral cooperation with six universities were signed in 2021.
In 2021, the participation of UL in six Erasmus+ programme projects was approved.
In 2021, UL actively participated in the Erasmus+ European University project FORTHEM, developing various forms of mobility within the alliance.
The mission of the University of Latvia is expressed in its motto Scientiae et Patriae (For Science and Fatherland). The University of Latvia contributes to the global science, higher education, knowledge, technology transfer and innovation, and ensures the growth of Latvian democracy and culture, the development of the Latvian language and the prosperity of the national economy.
VISION: Space for excellence, environment for development, time for responsibility. UL is a research university of a high international standing. UL creates interdisciplinary, open and innovation-oriented excellent work and study environment. The operation of the University of Latvia form the basis for the sustainable development and economic transformation of the Republic of Latvia.
UL values include cooperation, consequently, UL is a responsible and active cooperation-oriented participant in the ecosystem of education and social environment.
The particular responsibility of UL is the research of Latvian society, culture, economy, history, Latvian language in the context of global processes. The future vision of the UL envisages promoting excellence in science and studies, internationalization, interdisciplinarity, openness, modern and effective digital solutions, responsibility for a sustainable environment, society and the UL community.
UL uses its capabilities to create links between various stakeholders (state, municipalities, private companies, NGOs, etc.), to strengthen cooperation amongst them and proactively work to evolve in connection with the world’s sustainable development goals.
To strengthen the global partnership for sustainable development
17.1. To enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation in the field of research, technology and innovation, promote the accessibility thereof and enhance knowledge sharing under mutually agreed terms, including by improving cooperation amongst the existing mechanisms, in particular at the United Nations level, as well as implementing global technology promotion mechanism.
17.2. To promote the development, transfer and distribution of climate-neutral and environmentally friendly technologies to developing countries, applying favourable conditions.
17.3. To strengthen international support for effective and targeted capacity building in developing countries to support national plans for implementing all Sustainable Development Goals.
17.4. To stimulate and develop interdepartmental cooperation in the matters pertaining to AI. To monitor the university’s own operation in the implementation of all AI goals and regularly inform the public about it.
17.5. To actively engage in international and local projects, to offer expertise and knowledge in achieving AI-related goals.