Requirements for poster preparation and presentations
Requirements for poster preparation and presentations
Poster sessions will be scheduled for poster presenters to be able to answer questions regarding their research projects. The authors or a suitable representative are required to be present.
The dimensions of the Poster should not exceed 90 x 120 cm (portrait). Posters need to be seen from a distance of 1.5 meters.
The title should be in bold. The author’s affiliations and e-mail addresses of corresponding authors should be included. The body of the poster should start with a short introduction followed by methodology, results, conclusion(s) and discussion clearly indicated. Each block of text should include no more than a few sentences.
Suggested font sizes should be a minimum of 24 pt for body of text (normal) and 78-96 pt (bold, upper case) for the main title.
Posters may be submitted via e-mail (as an MS-Word, PowerPoint or Adobe document attachment) to, no later than 1 April, 2015 for acceptance. Author is responsible for printing of the poster and delivering it in conference secretariat during registration.