
The project was launched in 2002 as an independent Research Project of the Center for Judaic Studies. It’s purpose is to recover the names and identities of the members of the Latvian Jewish Community who perished as a result of the Holocaust during the period from 1941-1945. The Steering Committee of this project consists of academic professionals from both Latvia (Dr. Ruvin Ferber, Professor, University of Latvia and Head of the Board of the Center for Judaic Studies, Dr. Aivars Stranga, Professor, University of Latvia, Head and Chair in History and Philosophy, Ms Irina Veinberga, Chief Archivist and Department Head, State Historical Archives, Riga) and abroad (Constance Whippman, Advocate, United Kingdom and Founder and coordinator of the All Latvia Database JewishGen.).
The project is academic in its approach and primarily archive based and fully utilizes the resources of the State Historical Archives (Riga) in particular and also draws on in other archives and other institutions both in Latvia, as well as in the former Soviet Union, Israel, USA, Germany that have material relevant to the fate of the Latvian Jews. The expected result of the project is to create a memorial book with the memorial list of names and personal details of the Holocaust victims – Jews of Latvia. The work includes research, data entry and analysis and, in particular, reconciliation and matching of documentary data from a variety of sources in different archives. The sources used in the compilation of this database will include House Lists, Census Material, Deportee Lists, Survivor’s lists, lists from Yad Vashem and other archive based material in Latvia and abroad. The Steering Committee is commited to ensuring that data extraction and entry is carried out to the highest academic and professional standards in the most effective way. The overriding project goal is to create an accurate record of the fate of Latvian Jewry 1941-1945. A close liaison is established with The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority Yad Vashem in working towards a shared goal in recording the fate of the Latvian Jews. The results of the research are regularly published in academic journals.
Searchable database is located at the web site
The project is not yet finished, many columns of the personal cards are still empty and the fate of many Latvian Jews still has to be established. Therefore we would be grateful to anyone who can help us in this work by sharing with us information about the fate of their relatives and friends.
Please contact us for clarifications and corrections by e-mail:
Oral History Project. This ongoing project of the Center for Judaic Studies has been designed and organised in co-operation with JewishGen Latvia Special Interest Group and Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel. It is also a part of Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Academy of Sciences project „Latvian National Oral History” (“Latvijas Nacionâlâ mutvârdu vçsture”). A number of Jewish individuals who were born in Latvia are interviewed and afterwards the interviews documented and taped. The interviews are carried out in Russian or Latvian. The idea is to build up a series of oral histories that will give a picture of life in Latvia during the interwar period.
Project „Jews in Cities of Latvia ” (begining from 2009). An on-line project researching and exploring the history of various Jewish communities in main districts (Courland, Semgalia, Vidzeme and Latgalia) and smaller Latvian towns. Many articles, done by sholars in the field and history students, cover issues of Jewish cultural, economic and religious life from the 16th till 20th century. Research is related to Prof.Aivars Stranga lecture course „The history of Jews in Latvia from 16 century till nowadays”. Most of articles are available in Latvian, some in English and Russian. Articles are available at: