Lecture courses
- The history of Jews in Latvia from 16 century till nowadays (Prof. A.Stranga, attracting 8 lecturers and experts in the field, a regular course from October 1998, every Academic Year participated and passed the exams between 30 - 45 students from different Faculties).
- Introduction into the Rabbinical Literature (Dr. I.Leitane).
- Introduction into Judaism (Dr. I.Leitane, Rabbi Aryeh Bekker, from February 1999 till June 1999).
- The History of Jewish People (till 70 C.E.).
- Jewish Tradition and Philosophy in the 20th Century (Dr. I. Leitane, for Master students).
- Introduction into Jewish culture (Prof. Rihards Kulis, from October 1999).
- Biblical Archaeology: Manners and Customs (Mag.Theol. Valts Apinis, a new pictorial course of lectures starting from February 2005).
- History of the Jews in Europe (Prof. Teresa Sanislo from University of Wisconsin ( USA ), Seminary, September 13 – December 10, 2004). Lectures at the Center for Judaic studies in collaboration with The Baltic Office of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS).
- Biblical Legends. From the Creation of the World till the End-times (Mag.Theol. Valts Apinis, a new text-based study course from September 2006).
- History of the Jewish Pilosophy (Dr.Phil. Haim Ben Yakov, a course of lectures from September 2006).
- Introduction to basic Concepts in Jewish Theology (based on the book of Bereshit)
(Israel Ruslan Eizenscharf, a course of lectures from February 2006).