Conference "Europe 2020 and the Eastern Partnership in the Global Environment". The Conference will be held at the UL and its agenda will be focused on interdisciplinary research results of the Thematic Research Teams of the Centre and other activities of the Centre during 2011-2014, such as Roundtable debates, Seminars and Workshops on topics related to the assessment of interrelated processes of legal and socio-economic processes in EU integration and its external dimension.

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Series of Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquia. The Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium (DC) will be a research structure within the Doctoral School on European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies set up to support young researchers during their research training. Special attention will be given to the research of young scholars and doctoral students.

Comparative Seminar “Social Policy, Human Dimension and Shared Social Responsibility in the Wider Europe". Comparative Seminar will give a thoroughly European focus reflecting on the themes of the Seminar and the results of the research done by the Centre’s Thematic Research Teams.

Workshop “EU Financial Assistance: Focus on Cohesion Policy and Development Cooperation". Attention will be given to the implementation of EU funded programmes and projects to Eastern partners. Workshop will promote the academic research on evaluation of EU Cohesion policy effectiveness as well as research on economic aspects of cooperation within Eastern partnership carried by Centre’s Thematic Research Teams. It will also have a practical component that will aim at exploring the business opportunities, in particular SME and initiating business cooperation in the framework of EU external co-operation. Consultation with stakeholders will play an incremental role.

Labour Plus, INTERREG IV C Programme, leader - Municipality of Nieuwegein (The Netherlands).

CesR Cooperatives of Employment and Services in Rural area, INTERREG IV C Programme, leader - Regional Committee for Tourism Development of Auvergne (France).

Series of Roundtables “The Eastern Partnership vis-à-vis Latvia`s Policy Towards the EU`s Eastern Neighbourhood”. Series of Roundtable debates with academic and social partners from EaP countries are planned to be organised in Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan and in Latvia including representatives from Russia, Georgia, and Belarus coinciding with official visits of high level state officials (President, Prime Minister, and Minister of Foreign Affairs). Events abroad will be arranged with the assistance of Latvian embassies and diplomatic representatives placed in these countries, as well as academia representatives.

International conference “Migration and Identity: Encouraging the Role of Diaspora”. During the conference issues related to the emigration of Latvian labor force, particularly emphasizing on so-called third wave of emigration from Latvia, were discussed.

Debates on "EU relations with Eastern Partnership countries and Canada". The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence has organized international Roundtable Debates which brought together prominent speakers from the EU, Canada and Eastern Partnership countries.

Centralbaltic Job Ferry. Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007- 2013, leader - University of Latvia, Latvia.

Interregional SME Supply Chain Clusters along the Northeast Corridor. EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, Interreg, leader – Senator for Economic Affairs and Ports, Bremen, Germany.

Programme Development Grant: Canadian Studies within the Social Science. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Canada, the Understanding Canada component, International Academic Relations Program (Grant Agreement No. PRE-A7924).

The Objective of Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion in Member States’ Regional Policies. European Commission DG Regio (No. 2009.CE.16.0.AT.018/ 2009.CE.16.CAT.014). Leader – Stratchclude University, Glasgow.

Regional Governance in the Context of Globalization. Cohesion Policy in Latvia 2007-2013. EC DG Regio. No. 2008CE160AD056, leader-SWECO Euro futures AB, Stockholm.

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6th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Meeting with H.E. Ambassador of Canada; topics of presentation and discussions: Research opportunities in Canada and Economic growth patterns in Latvia and in Canada and impacts of global recession;

7th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of guest lecturer Prof. Dr.oec. Svetlana Grigorjeva on Entrepreneurial Economics in Latvia ("Предпринимательская экономика в Латвии")

8th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of  Ms. Zane Cunska on Impacts of Demography on Higher Education in Latvia.

Canada: Strategic Knowledge Cluster - Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue. funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Coordinator: Carleton University, Ottawa.

Baltic Business and Socio Economic Development in the Baltic Sea Region. Joined Project: CETS, University of Latvia and Wismar Business School, University of Technology, funded by Bundesbank,  the Baltisch –  Deutsches Hochschulkontor and the Staatskanzlei Mecklenburg– Vorpommern.


Master courses in European Integration Studies – Scholarships for ENP Countries and Russia. EC DG Education and Culture, No. 2008-2177/001 –2.

Baltic Business and Socio Economic Development in the Baltic Sea Region. Joined Project: CETS, University of Latvia and Wismar Business School, University of Technology, funded by Bundesbank,  the Baltisch –  Deutsches Hochschulkontor and the Staatskanzlei Mecklenburg– Vorpommern.


Master courses in European Integration Studies – Scholarships for ENP Countries and Russia. EC DG Education and Culture, No. 2008-2177/001 –2.

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Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Workshop on the Energy Statistics and Use of Statistical Data for Analysis of Economic Development, Eurostat (Luxembourg);

4th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Workshop on the Role of Monetary Policy in Global Economy, Academy of the German Federal Bank (Hahenburg, Germany), European Central Bank (Frankfurt a.M., Germany);

5th Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of  Mr. Juris Kanels on Territorial Reform in Latvia.

Assessing and Benchmarking Financial Participation of Employees in the EU 25. Survey on Latvia. EC DG Employment, Social Affairs, No. VS/2006/770,  leader- Free University Berlin.


Interdisciplinary Approach to Assess the Impact of the European Innovation Policy and Common Energy Policy on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of Latvia. Grant scheme: LR Ministry of Education and Research. No. 2007/ZP-49.

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2nd Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of  Mr. Romāns Putāns on Client Satisfaction Measurements at Latvian State Revenue Service;


1st Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of  Mr. Česlavs Gržibovskis on Growth and Employment Related Factors in Latvia. The work of the Colloquium is continued in the framework of the Doctoral School: European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies at the University of Latvia.

Marie Curie Research Training Network Transnationality of Migrants: Enduring ties with the Home Country and Integration in the Host Country. MRTN – CT -2006 –035873, T EC, DG Research, leader-  Universita degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" – CEIS, Rome.

Challenge and Illuminate Regional Creators and Unfold Societal Strength (INNOVATION CIRCUS). EC DG Research No.038825, leader- Copenhagen University.

Conference „European Union Enlargement of 2004 and Beyond: Responding to the Political, Legal and Socio-Economic Challenges".

Study on the Potential and Needs of the New Member States. EC DG Region, No 2004 CE 16 0 AT 038, leader - Stratchclyde University, Glasgow.

Financial Participation of Employees in the New Member and Candidate Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. EC DG Employment, Social Affairs,  No.NVS/2004/0478, leader - Free University Berlin.

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Jean Monet Conference: European Union Enlargement of 2004 and Beyond: Responding to the Political, Legal and Socio-Economic Challenges. EC DG Education and Culture, No.2005-1986/ 001 – 001.

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Jean Monnet Research Group. The Northern Dimensions Network. EC DG Education and Culture, No.RE03/0007, leader- Manchester University.

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Jean Monnet Chair on European Economic Integration. EC DG Education and Culture, CO03/0085.

Tuning-Methodological Structures in Europe. Socrates Programme, EC DG Education.

Promoting European Excellence in Multidisciplinary Research and Teaching: Social Dialogue and Working Environment in the Baltic Association States. Marie Curie Research/ Marie Curie Chair, EC DG Research, No.MEXC – 2003- 509727.

Investments and Transport Development in Latvia. Grant Scheme - LR Ministry of Transportation.

External Shocks Impact on the State Budget and Development of National Economy. Grant Scheme- LR Ministry of Finance.

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Jean Monnet. Political Economy of European Integration - permanent Course. EC  DG Education and Culture, No. 2001-1132/055-001 JMO-JMO.

Payments of Latvia to the EU in Relation with the EU Budget Principles. Grant Scheme- LR Ministry of Finance.

Research Training Network „The Baltic Sea Area Studies: Northern Dimension of Europe” (BaltSeaNet). EC DG Research, No. HRPN-CT-2000-00073, leader- Humboldt University.

The Natural Rate of Unemployment in Latvia. CERGE–EI and World Bank Research Competition Grant Scheme.

Measuring the effects of Latvian Accession to the EU: A CGE Approach. EC Phare ACE Programme.