Search Activities, Research and pubblication according to the year:
- Labour Plus, INTERREG IV C Programme, leader - Municipality of Nieuwegein (The Netherlands).
- CesR Cooperatives of Employment and Services in Rural area, INTERREG IV C Programme, leader - Regional Committee for Tourism Development of Auvergne (France).
- Canada: Strategic Knowledge Cluster - Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue. funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Coordinator- Carleton University, Ottawa.
- Centralbaltic Job Ferry. Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007- 2013, leader - University of Latvia, Latvia.
- Interregional SME Supply Chain Clusters along the Northeast Corridor. EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, Interreg, leader – Senator for Economic Affairs and Ports, Bremen, Germany.
- Series of Roundtables “The Eastern Partnership vis-à-vis Latvia`s Policy Towards the EU`s Eastern Neighbourhood”. Series of Roundtable debates with academic and social partners from EaP countries are planned to be organised in Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan and in Latvia including representatives from Russia, Georgia, and Belarus coinciding with official visits of high level state officials (President, Prime Minister, and Minister of Foreign Affairs). Events abroad will be arranged with the assistance of Latvian embassies and diplomatic representatives placed in these countries, as well as academia representatives.
- April 13th. International conference “Migration and Identity: Encouraging the Role of Diaspora”. During the conference issues related to the emigration of Latvian labor force, particularly emphasizing on so-called third wave of emigration from Latvia, were discussed.
- March 29-30th. Debates on "EU relations with Eastern Partnership countries and Canada". The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence has organized international Roundtable Debates which brought together prominent speakers from the EU, Canada and Eastern Partnership countries.
Muravska, T., Prause, G. (ed.) (2012), European Integration and Baltic Sea Studies: University-Business Partnership through the Triple Helix Approach, Berlin: BWV • BERLINER WISSENSCHAFTS-VELAG
Muravska, T., Ozoliņa, Ž. (red.) (2012), Starpdisciplinaritāte sociālajās zinātnēs: vai tā sniedz atbildes uz mūsdienu izaicinājumiem augstākajā izglītībā un pētniecībā?, Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. View full version of the publication here.