Search Activities, Research and pubblication according to the year: 







  • Promoting European Excellence in Multidisciplinary Research and Teaching: Social Dialogue and Working Environment in the Baltic Association States. Marie Curie Research/ Marie Curie Chair, EC DG Research, No.MEXC – 2003- 509727.
  • Assessing and Benchmarking Financial Participation of Employees in the EU 25. Survey on Latvia. EC DG Employment, Social Affairs, No. VS/2006/770,  leader- Free University Berlin.
  • Marie Curie Research Training Network Transnationality of Migrants: Enduring ties with the Home Country and Integration in the Host Country. MRTN – CT -2006 –035873, T EC, DG Research, leader-  Universita degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" – CEIS, Rome.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach to Assess the Impact of the European Innovation Policy and Common Energy Policy on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of Latvia. Grant scheme: LR Ministry of Education and Research. No. 2007/ZP-49.
  • Jean Monnet Chair on European Economic Integration. EC DG Education and Culture, CO03/0085.
  • Tuning-Methodological Structures in Europe. Socrates Programme, EC DG Education.
  • Challenge and Illuminate Regional Creators and Unfold Societal Strength (INNOVATION CIRCUS). EC DG Research No.038825, leader- Copenhagen University.
  • 13 December. 2nd Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of  Mr. Romāns Putāns on Client Satisfaction Measurements at Latvian State Revenue Service;