The mobility of labour is hindered by several obstacles in the cross-border region of Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Sweden. These include lack of knowledge about the job opportunities and labour offices in the neighbouring countries as well as, for instance, difficulties in judging qualifications of foreign job seekers. Cross-border partnerships between economic actors, relevant institutions as well as strategic investments are to be stimulated by offering comparable information on the four labour markets.
Project ‘CentralBaltic Job Ferry’ aims at increasing the cross-border flow of information to mobile job seekers as well as enterprises, employers and investors already located or willing to settle in the border region.
The project partners run a research process and analyse the collected data first locally. This is continued by combining the results and creating a common multilingual information platform on labour-market issues, professional trainings, qualifications and job opportunities in the targeted cross-border area. The project will organise workshops and training courses to exchange knowledge and best practices, hence contributing to a better understanding of different national regulations as well as structures and working practices of the authorities abroad.
Programme: Central Baltic Programme
Priority: Economically competitive and innovative region
Direction of support: Optimising the potential of the labour market
Duration: 24 months 05/2011-04/2013