On January 23 Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Latvia in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Republic of Latvia organized a Roundtable Debate „Latvia and EU Eastern Partnership Cooperation: Focus on Armenia”.

Among participants of the roundtable were Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia in the Republic of Armenia H.E. Gints Apals, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia in the Republic of Latvia H.E.Ara Aivazian, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanian, representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Armenia, Ambassador – Director General of the Economic and Bilateral Relations Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia Jānis Mažeiks and also the representatives of the University of Latvia and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Prof. Tatjana Koke, Prof. Liesma Ose, senior researcher Karine Oganisjana, representatives from the Centre for European and Transition Studies, as well European Studies Master’s programme students and phd. Students.

The discussion was opened by Prof. Tatjana Koke, in her opening remarks she emphasized the wide range of the education and research opportunities in Latvia and openness for cooperation with other countries. In the written opening speech by Prof. Tatjana Muravska the importance of the EU Jean Monnet life learning programme for research and science was highlighted, as well as the role of EU – Eastern Partnership and Latvia-Armenia common interests in the context of EU integration. Also the interest on the perspective cooperation with Armenia in the framework of Eastern Partnership and a wish to develop and strengthen academic cooperation with Armenia in inter-disciplinary research and European integration study field was stressed in professor`s speech.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia in the Republic of Latvia H.E. Ara Aivazian looked at the cooperation of Latvia and Armenia in the past and the common history of both nations in the previous century that could be successfully used for widening the relations between both countries. Also the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia in the Republic of Armenia H.E. Gints Apals expressed the opinion that Latvia and Armenia had stronger cooperation in the science, culture and economical field in the past and it has to be embarked and reintroduced on new levels. He encouraged the University of Latvia to promote this process in the education and science field. Cooperation in the education and research would facilitate also a higher growth in the economic relations between Latvia and Armenia, which in terms of external trade at the moment is very weak.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanian noted the interest and openness of Armenia regarding strengthening bilateral relations with Latvia and Armenia`s success in the context of the European integration, especially in the field of education by supporting and promoting Bologna process. Armenia will chair the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe from May to November 2013. Also, the importance of the association agreement and the comprehensive free trade agreements with the EU was underlined in deputy minister`s speech.

Ambassador – Director General of the Economic and Bilateral Relations Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia Jānis Mažeiks shared an opinion that both countries have a lot to learn from each other; he stressed that cooperation is a two way street. Within the transition of experiences he invited to use instruments such as Twinning programmes and scholarships. Mr. Mažeiks emphasized the interest of Latvia on Armenia’s experience maintaining the cooperation with its diaspora, which is a great topicality for Latvia at the moment and it as an issue where Armenia has more experience on how to preserve and maintain the link with diaspora.

Further, the senior researcher of the University of Latvia, Dr. Karine Oganisjana who was born and studied in Armenia, but obtained her Ph.D. degree and is building her academic career in Latvia, tied Latvia-Armenia relations in the context of history, culture, philosophy and education. At the end of her speech she presented a symbolic gift to Armenian guests – her, as of Armenian origin author, book in Latvian about development of entrepreneurial skills.

In conclusion, the moderator of the Roundtable Debate, the expert of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Latvia, Prof. Liesma Ose summarized the common opinions and views of roundtable participants’ on historical, existing and future cooperation, expressing confidence in the importance of this discussion for future developments in Latvia-Armenia relations.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanian add that discussion was interesting and valuable, especially appreciating previous activities of Prof. Tatjana Koke and senior researcher Dr. Karine Oganisjana by taking part in the summer school in Armenia in 2007, as well as the ideas and proposals from Latvia’s part for further cooperation, including education modules, which will be discussed in Armenia after the end of the Armenia’s delegation’s official visit to Latvia.

See Video from Roundtable
