© Foto: Toms Grīnbergs, Latvijas Universitātes Preses centrs

On December 8, 2015 a public lecture by Inna Šteinbuka, Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia, and experts’ discussion on the European Union (EU) topicalities will take place at the University of Latvia (UL).

The lecture “European Economy before, during and after Financial Crisis” will be held at the Senate Hall of the University of Latvia (19 Raiņa blvd.) from 18:15 to 21:30. We kindly invite you to REGISTER for the event until December 7th, 2015

The public lecture will be followed by experts’ discussions with the participation of Inna Šteinbuka, Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia, Mārtiņš Zemītis and Agnese Dagile, Economics Experts of the European Commission Representation in Latvia. The discussion will be moderated by Jean Monnet Professor Tatjana Muravska, Director of the European Studies Master’s programme at the University of Latvia.

The first public lecture in this series on November 24, 2015 was devoted to one of the European Commission’s priorities – EU as a Stronger Global Actor. Within the lecture topics such as the EU external trade, the EU role in the international arena and the EU external relations policy were discussed. Special attention was given to the EU – USA Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), its significance, current issues and practical examples.

The series of public lectures is organized as a part of the interdisciplinary European Studies Master’s Programme of the University of Latvia in a close cooperation with the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and the Centre for European and Transition Studies of the University of Latvia, as well as with the support of the Latvian European Community Studies Association. The series of lectures is devoted to the 15 years anniversary of the European Studies Master’s Programme of the University of Latvia. Taking into account the large number of foreign students, researchers, participants from the ERASMUS+ and other academic exchange programs at the University of Latvia, the working language of the lectures and discussions is ENGLISH.

The University of Latvia appreciates the opportunity to actively inform the students as well as take a part in the broad public discussion about the EU major issues, involving experts with the extensive professional EU experience. Dr.habil.oec. Inna Šteinbuka since 2005 works at the European Commission where in 2011 she was appointed as a Head the European Commission Representation in Latvia. She was also worked for Eurostat as a Director of Economic and Regional Statistics Department and Director of Social and Information Society Statistics Department. Previously Inna Šteinbuka was Chairperson of the Latvian Public Utilities Commission, Senior Advisor to Executive Director of International Monetary Fund in Washington and holding different positions at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia. Her academic background involves PhD in Economic Sciences. She is a Professor of the University of Latvia and Corresponding Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. In 2008 Inna Šteinbuka received the highest state award - Three Stars Order (3rd degree) for the distinguished achievements in the economy and finance.
