During the seminar a concept of on-field visit and involvement of experts in peer review; a preliminary agenda and concept of the study visit in Latvia (to be organised on September 2017) were discussed. In the result of active debate about best practices and examples of creative industries, it was proposed to include in the programme visit to one of the most creative cities in Latvia – Cēsis.
Participants of the event were also informed about the outcomes of the last study visit in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region (Italy) and good practices inspected there: FVG Film Commission, Fondazione Aquileia (Archaeological site of Aquileia), Friuli Innovations Centre as well as CCI ICT examples that “born” in the centre. Within the context of CRE:HUB partners’ good practices, participants have discussed the support instruments, provided by Ministry of Economics in cooperation with LIAA, to facilitate business environment as well as organisation and implementation of Business Accelerator in Latvia.
On the second part of the seminar, the Barriers& Solutions Matrix as well as Roadmap as one of the steps to elaborate an Action Plan were presented. Most of measures included in the Roadmap focus on facilitation of CCI cooperation, strengthening competitiveness of creative industries and support of business environment. In the result of the discussions, some improvements and recommendations as regards to challenges in creative industries were provided.
At the end of the day, summary and conclusions was briefly provided by the CRE:HUB team. All participants were thanked for active discussion and agreed to organise next stakeholders meeting in July 2017.