The main highlight of the meeting was given to the discussions and brainstorming on 4th CRE:HUB study visit in Latvia that will take place on 5-6 September and on-field study visit on 7-8 September as well as the workshop about the Roadmap and Action Plan (AP). Until now the state of the art analysis was conducted and roadmap elaborated as required steps to produce an AP. During the discussions the important questions were raised – what are the main “needs” of Latvian creative industries currently, where additional experience and solutions are needed? What kind examples of good practices would be useful? The core topics were mentioned – introduction of “design-thinking approach” in the management of governmental institutions and its inclusion in the study programmes of universities; elimination of CCI market fragmentation by establishing CCI Association, etc.
Among participants of the seminar were representatives from the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA); LIAA Creative Industries Incubator; Ministry of Culture, Creative Industries Division; Ministry of Economics; Altum – state finance institution; CI platform – Fold.lv; Vidzeme planning region [online], the University of Economics and Culture, Demola Latvia, IdeAllies; Creativity Week radi! and other interested persons.
Besides, participants of the event discussed also the new projects, initiatives and events related the CCI. Considering the increasing number of CCI activities in Latvia, representatives of Ministry of Culture proposed to organise a meeting that will unite projects and initiatives with the similar topics in order to discuss the common goals and activities.
CRE:HUB seminar was finalised with the summary of the day and conclusions. All stakeholders, specifically representatives of good practices, have been invited to join both upcoming events: 4th study visit (5-6 September) and on-field visit (7-8 September).