The first part of the day of the study visit was dedicated to the medieval Hanseatic city of Cēsis, one of the oldest cities in Latvia rich of cultural and historical heritage. It is recognised as one of the creative cities in the country. CRE:HUB partners and stakeholders had the occasion to meet with the representatives of Cēsis Town and Vidzeme Region in the Cēsis History and Art Museum of Cēsis Castle Complex that illustrated the role of creativity, culture, innovation and technology to promote culture and creative industries (CCI) in the region.
Participants were welcomed by Ms. Inese Suija-Markova, Deputy Chairperson of the Cēsis City Council who introduced with the life of Cēsis city and CCI activities; Ms. Kristīne Skrīvere, Head of the Cēsis History and Art Museum presented innovative and creative practices in the museum educational programmes. Also, the experience of Vidzeme University of Applied Science in creativity, innovation and technology was illustrated by Mr. Kaspars Osis, Director of the Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Knowledge & Technology Centre (ViA ZTC) and Mr. Armands Aivo Astukevics, Lifelong Learning Coordinator at the ViA ZTC. Finally, Mr. Matīss Nīmanis, who runs a family company that specializes in exclusive, high quality axe and cutting-tool crafting by hand – Autine Tools, spoke about inspiration and prerequisites for creativity.
Participants continued visit at the Vidzeme Concert Hall where Ms. Inese Zagorska, Programme Director presented the role of a unique multi-functional cultural centre of national and regional significance and guided the participants a short walk around the Concert Hall.
Insight about CCI promotion and its business development was demonstrated in the CCI centre and CCI co-working space Skola6 by Ms. Dita Trapenciere, Head of the “Skola6” who presented activities of the centre – workshops and start-ups from local community – and accompanied participants on a guided walk.
On the afternoon, everyone was involved in a BarCamp activity in order to learn how to solve challenges with design thinking method - a creative and collaborative approach to innovating and solving problems that puts people at the centre of the process. The BarCamp was moderated by Signe Adamoviča, CEO of IdeAllies and Partner at Creativity Lab, and Charles Bušmanis, Co-Founder of Design Elevator.
The rest of the day CRE:HUB partners and stakeholders spent in Sigulda city that has been called the "Switzerland of Vidzeme" to discover the Creative Quarter at the Sigulda Castle Complex and learn how the cultural heritage site can develop to a creative quarter – Ms. Līga Sausiņa, Deputy Chairperson, Sigulda City Council presented the activities of Sigulda city as well as project on development of cultural heritage site into a Creative Quarter, while Ms. Signe Millere, Project Manager at the Sigulda’s LIAA Business Incubator explained the role of the incubator in the Quarter.
The 4th study visit ended on 6 September in Riga in the largest depository of professional art and an important place in collecting, preserving and popularizing the cultural values in Latvia and foreign countries - the Latvian National Art Museum (LNMM) that hosted workshop with diverse representatives of CCIs. Ms. Gunta Miheloviča from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia (Creative Industries Division) – presented the role of CCI in Latvia and its policy development; Ms. Vineta Kreigere described the idea of creative partnership programme RaPaPro that facilitating multidisciplinary skills in cultural education among youth. Ms. Veronika Viļuma introduced with the about platform for the creative industries – FOLD.LV
Followed by Ms. Liene Pērkone, Head of the Creative Industries Incubator, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) who outlined the support of Incubator for CCI start-ups and already existing companies as well as host – Ms. Anna Balandina, Head of the LNMM Communications Division describing the creative activities hold in the Museum. The workshop was concluded by Ms. Gunita Kulikovska, Founder and CEO of Vividly who explained her job involving creative minds and technological innovations.
Photogallery of the CRE:HUB study visit and BarCamp in Latvia.
For more information on the CRE:HUB, please visit:
CRE:HUB website: http://www.interregeurope.eu/crehub/