At the beginning of the seminar CRE:HUB team of the University of Latvia has reminded about the implemented activities and events. Recently produced CRE:HUB video about study visit in Latvia (September 2017) was demonstrated.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EkSQyP7D0OE" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Seminar continued with the results dissemination on the CCI good practices learnt during the study visit in Navarre. Experts from Latvia shared their impressions and main findings about differences and similarities between Latvian and Navarra’s CCI ecosystem.
Participants of the event were also informed about on-field visit or Peer Review in Latvia (September 2017): Project Manager reminded about the purpose and structure of Peer Review event in Latvia and introduced its first outcomes and observations. Besides Latvian experts (stakeholders) who participated in the on-field visits in project partners’ regions in Basilicata (Italy) and Lisbon (Portugal) (IT) have shared their experience of on-field visits, discussed CCI of the regions and results of peer review as well assessed similarities and differences with Latvian CCI sector.
Additionally, the success story in the result of CRE:HUB project implementation was shared - in the result of a synergy during the 4th CRE:HUB study visit in Latvia between Creativity Lab/Design Elevator and Friuli Innovazione, Latvian creative industries experts Signe and Charles Bušmanis participated in the Mashup Reload 2017 in Undine, Italy as moderators of the event by sharing their knowledge on design-thinking approach.
At the end, the CRE:HUB Action Plan were discussed in order to assess the potential and current support instruments to develop cultural and creative industries and its business sector (specifically SME) within the CCI in Latvia. Project team of the University of Latvia has presented main CCI activities that could be implemented in Latvia to support CCI and tackle the targeted policy instrument and explained their potential. Those instruments were revised and improved based on the earlier suggestions and discussions with of LV stakeholders. After the presentation, a workshop with stakeholders were moderated to assess the potential of each support instruments and possibility to implement it in Latvia.
Among participants of the seminar were representatives from the Ministry of Culture, Creative Industries Division; Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA); LIAA Creative Industries Incubator; Ministry of Economics; Altum – state finance institution; The Red Jackets; Vidzeme planning region, the University of Economics and Culture, Demola Latvia, IdeAllies; Creativity Week radi! and others.